JGar - Proposals

274 14 6

Paring: JGar (JPW03 x Garuku Bluemoon)
Word Count: 1779
Warnings: none?
For: Valentine's day!
Prompt: n/a

Remember how I said I was going to post once a week/once every two weeks? Lol yeah sorry about that.
Happy Valentine's day though (even if it was yesterday but shhhh)! I really enjoyed writing this and hopefully it's cute!

Remember to leave a comment and vote! They make me super happy to read/see because then I know that people like what I write!!

I hope each and every one of you had an amazing Valentine's day and I hope you enjoy 💞


"Proposing on Valentine's Day...how original."

Gar glared up at Patrick, who sat perched on the bed behind him, through the reflection of the mirror as he fiddled with his tie and collar. Pat sent him back a playful grin before standing and approaching him with a more sincere look.

"Listen, you'll be fine. I know you will." Patrick squeezed his shoulder reassuringly before moving Gar's hands out of the way to fix his now twisted tie.

Gar smiled at him thankfully, he knew that if it weren't for Pat he probably wouldn't have had the guts to do it in the first place. Of course Wade helped too - as he was the only one of the quartet married - but when Gar had originally told him of his plans Wade seemed almost against it? Gar wasn't sure, but whatever it was he didn't have time to dwell on it now as it was too late. A two thousand dollar ring and expensive dinner reservation wasn't something you could just throw away!

Patrick checked his watch, noting how it was a quarter til seven, and he gave Gar one last look over. Even though Pat wasn't the one proposing, he knew how much this all meant to Gar, he would be crushed if they said no (even though he was pretty sure they weren't going to).

Gar checked his phone, smiling as he read over the text he had received, for a moment all the stress and worry within him seemed to fade into giddiness equivalent to a teenager having their first crush... Sadly however, it was not lasting as a twinge of panic washed over his face.

"I'm going to be late," Gar's voice was an airy shout as realization hit and he dove for his coat and keys.

"THANKS AGAIN PATRICK!" Gar shouted as he ran out of the room to the elevator. Patrick smiled, not bothering to reply as the door closed in the wake of Gar's quick departure.

JP was one lucky guy...

When Gar finally arrived to the restaurant he was able to spot his long time boyfriend, JP, as he made his way towards the entrance of the restaurant joined by Molly and Wade. JP looked stunning even from across the parking lot and Gar couldn't help but smile dreamily at his direction (in a totally not creepy way, it's his boyfriend he's allowed to do it).

Gar exited the vehicle and immediately felt the chill from the cold February air wash over him, contrasting soothingly against the heat coming from this sweaty palms and face. With each stride Gar made towards the door to the restaurant he could feel the weight of the ring box within his pants pocket hitting his upper thigh, he wasn't too sure if it helped or worsened his anxiety.

Stepping into the warmer waiting room of the restaurant Gar let out a deep breath before his eyes wondered around the beautiful interior of the space. The floors were patterns of alternating cream and black tiles that were placed in circular shapes. The walls, which were a cream color too, gave the room a warm look with the added reflection of the crystals hanging from them. From where he stood, Gar could even see the breath taking light that was the chandelier that hung from the high ceiling of the building. Gar knew he was getting what he paid for and he hadn't even gotten his table yet.

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