Garlicbread - Goodbye

159 5 1

Paring: WolfBread/Garlicbread (Garuku Bluemoon x BreadHeroDan)
Word Count: 250-ish
Warnings: none?
For: zerodahewo
Prompt: "I came to say goodbye"

Oof, remember when I said I was going to be a month late for posting? And remember how it took 2½ months instead? Sorry about that 😅
This wasn't even what I was planning of posting but this was requested like forever ago and I wanted something short to write real quick so 🤷‍♂️

//I made a few edits to this which is why I'm reposting it.


"I... I just came to say goodbye,"

Gar sat slumped against his apartment door, his head tilted back against the rough wood behind him. His eyes burned, tears pooling slowly, yet his face stayed dry.

"Whatever this is, this thing between us, its done. I'm done."

He almost wondered if he should call him. Whether or not it was too early...

Whether or not it was too late.

Yet, instead of reaching for his phone he let it vibrate against the side table till it fell to the floor. He didn't bother picking it up either, just rolled to the other side of the bed and prayed that sleep would come to him again.

"I'm not going to sit and watch you tear yourself apart. Not anymore,"

It seemed that water was the only thing able to stay in his stomach for more than twenty minutes.

That was enough for him though, he didn't need anymore than that. All he needed was a fake smile and the stream chat to distract him...

"I really, really, didn't want this to be how we end, but I can't, I can't..."

Maybe he was getting better.

Maybe his smile was a little more sincere than before.

"Goodbye Gar,"

Or maybe he was just getting better at faking it.

"I love you Dan..,"

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