Par - Guests

475 19 16


Pairing: Par (Patrick Static x Garuku Bluemoon)

Characters: Wade(lordminion777), JP(JPW03), Garuku Bluemoon, Patrick Static

Prompt: I don't remember

Warnings: Smut, NSFW, Exhibition kinda not really, cock rings bc yolo, Gar is a tease, Pat doesn't listen, Top!Gar, Bottom!Pat, RIP Wade and JP

Word Count: 1720

This is something DemSaltyHos requested like MONTHS ago. I started it and then I thought I lost it and then found it recently and decided to finish it.


The last thing Gar told Patrick before leaving the house was;

"Don't do anything dumb, we're having people over for dinner."

Yet it only took Pat a few minutes before the warning completely left his mind, and after stumbling upon some sexual material it didn't take long for his dick either. Pat bit his lip, eyeing the door to the hall before pushing his pants down enough to pull his dick out into his hand. He was already half hard, his mind swimming with temptations and dirty things. Oh God, if only Gar was here right now...

He wasn't sure how long he had been at it but Patrick was surely enjoying it. Enjoying it enough to not hear the front door opening, and he was defiantly enjoying it enough to not hear Gar call his name. Well actually he did hear Gar call his name, but he thought he was imagined it. He only jumped when he heard the door to their bedroom click shut.

"Enjoying yourself there, Pat?"

Patrick stopped, his eyes opening as his face turned bright red. Gar stood there, leaning against the door frame wearing a stupid smirk on his face.

"I, uh, you see-" words tried to leave Pat's mouth in an understandable way but they all turned to mumbles instead. Gar just watched amused, Pat's dick was an added bonus to the whole ordeal as well. Eventually Pat gave up, letting out a sigh as he looked up at Gar almost beggingly. Gar shook his head, a chuckle leaving him as he approached Patrick.

"Nope, I told you before I left not to do something stupid and yet here we are," Gar gestured to Patrick's dick a smirk rising to his lips. "Anyway, it wouldn't be fair!"

"Wouldn't be fair? Fine if you want to do something stupid then you can just do me" the both of them laughed, a blush rising up through Pat's face to his ears. Gar shook his head, looking to the door momentarily before walking to their drawers and pulling out a few things. When he came back he sat at Pat's feet and smirked up at him. Patrick smiled, excited honestly as he waited for what Gar was going to do.

He felt Gar's hot breath over his tip, followed by a soft kiss and a giggle before Gar licked it down then back up. Patrick let out a moan, Gar shushed him quickly before putting Patrick into his mouth. Gar's mouth was hot, and Patrick loved every part of it. He loved the way Gar used his tongue to flick at Pat's slit, and he loved the way Gar hummed and sent vibrations though it. He couldn't imagine neither a better person at blow jobs nor a better boyfriend.

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