The footsteps grew closer and then abruptly stopped right next to me. A second later, warm hands touched my shoulders and I was shifted so that I lay face up.

The hands were soft, surprisingly gentle. Moving my head, I looked up into the worried blue eyes of Chance Burke. I almost cried for joy.

"Piper," he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that I was alright. 

His hands moved from my shoulders to my lower back. Supporting all my weight, he lifted me into a sitting position.

"Are you okay?" he asked. His eyes looked me all over, checking for any visible injuries.

My hand moved from my side and grasped my throbbing throat. "I think so," I croaked.

Chance relaxed slightly. "I shot Carlos. He's dead. I managed to rough Miguel up but he escaped when I came to your aid."

My skin crawled knowing that Miguel was still out there somewhere. No doubt he'd be looking for revenge too.

"Do you think you can stand?" Chance asked.

I nodded.

Chance's hands slid to my waist and gingerly lifted me off the floor. I swayed slightly, but gained my footing with Chance's help.

"What are we supposed to do now?" 

Chance's irises darkened. "Miguel's still out there and he's thirsty for blood. We need to eliminate him before we can carry on with any of our deals. But for tonight, we're done."


Every part of me was shaking as Chance led me to the car. My teeth clanked together. My palms were slippery with sweat. Even Chance's palm, placed on the small of my back quaked slightly.

Flecks of blood flaked he shift. He'd given me his jacket to put on considering my torn, bloodied dress barely covered me. I'd lost one of my Louboutins back in the hotel room. I chucked the other one in a garbage can on our way out of the back of the hotel.

Damn shoes. What a worthless waste of money. Even though I didn't have makeup on, a different kind of war paint covered my face--blood.

Carlos' blood from when Chance had shot him. Also, blood from a cut I'd gotten when I banged my head on the coffee table. The wound, while still small laceration, bled like a bitch.

Chance was beaten up too. His lip was split and a slight bruise was forming on his cheek. Granted, Miguel probably looked a lot worse.

I knew Chance could fight but damn, I'd never seen someone get beaten to a pulp in real life. I wanted to root for Chance to kick Miguel's ass, but at the same time it was a slightly unnerving to watch your boss pummel someone.

"Piper," I jumped and turned to face Chance. He was looking at me, concern softening his features.

"Do you want me to take you to your apartment or do you want to crash at mine again?" 

I was conflicted. On one hand, I wanted to stay with Chance, where I knew I'd be safe and protected, but on the other hand, I wanted my space. I chose the first option.

"My place, please."

If Chance was surprised, he didn't show it. His hand however, shot out and cupped my chin. He tilted my head back, eyeing the cut right above my eyebrow.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the hospital? Your cut isn't serious but it may need a stitch or two." 

Chance's hand trailed down further until it came to a rest on my neck, right above my collar bone. "You should probably get your neck checked out too. These bruises are already looking vicious. Or, if you don't want to go the hospital, you could always come back to my place and I could have a doctor come there."

I shook my head. "Can you just drop me off at my apartment? I'd prefer to go home and rest."

"But you're hurt," Chance protested, eyes darkening.

I shrugged. "I'll be fine. I've been through worse."

Chance looked unsatisfied with my answer, but nodded nonetheless. He held my door open as I climbed in the Range Rover. The leather interior was warm against my chilled skin. Chance climbed in beside me and a moment later, pulled out into the ever-busy New York Traffic. 

Physically and emotionally exhausted, my eyes shut and I surrendered myself to sleep.


Hey, long time no update--I know. School started and I've been super busy with academics and sports so I've barely found any time to right. However, my volleyball season is coming to an end as well as my quarter exams so updates should be more frequent now.

Anyway, thank you those who continue to stick by this story! And, as always, please be sure to vote and comment on this chapter!!!


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