Let It Be Known

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Valkyrie laid a hand on Booms shoulder as she approached. "He still in his workshop?" She asked, Boom nodded sleepily. 

"Two days straight, what is he working on?" Asked Boom, Valkyrie shrugged.

"I wish I knew, the only reason we know he isn't asleep is that Alpha would let us in and grab him, he always has. So he  has no sleep, I wonder if..." She was cut off as Alpha appeared. 

"Good to see you are watching on him, he just fell asleep, but we developed some new designs, and one to give us a chance in this war. Here, i'll let you in." Said Alpha, he swiped the touched the hand scanner and the door opened. 

"I got him ma'am, you should get some sleep, its late." Boom said, moving forward into the room.

"That explains how he hasn't slept, heh." Laughed Boom, nodding to the large stack of paper cups, well over fifty cups in total. 

"Can we see the designs?" Asked Valkyrie. 

"He wont mind, a few new vehicle blueprints, a few new weapon designs, mostly we worked on new armor mods and what he's calling 'Project Endgame'." Informed Alpha. 

Boom tapped onto the computer and it showed a desktop nearly filled with different topics, and each one held thousands of plans and designs, Boom moved the cursor to the recent folders, and when he opened them they displayed a hologram of what they were. 

"That's a missile." Said Boom after sifting through a few designs.

"We were designing it to have a completely non-lethal way of orbital bombardment if things do go bad and we end up fighting the UNSC. It slows the impact after breaching below SAM capabilities and then deploys a paralytic smoke." Explained Alpha. 

"Whats this?" Valkyrie asked, poking through one of the projects. It showed a new version of Spartan Armor. 

"Hm, I thought you would be interested in this. It's Marks new armor prediction, Archangel. In theory, it has the lightness of a feather, and the durability of a Scarab's armor, its also supposed to be able to fly, although we have been only doing so far with that, stabilizers are a finicky mistress, and they go to much or too little to easily." Explained Alpha, Valkyrie looked at the armor, it showed two versions, one where nothing was sticking out, and the other where six wings were shown behind the armor. 

"Collapsible wings, it's a far flyer." Valkyrie observed Alpha nodded. 

"Indeed it is, so Mark has been teaching you about engineering." Laughed Alpha. 

"A little I will admit, but that doesnt matter right now. So you talked about a way to end this war, what is it?" Valkyrie asked. 

"To put it simply enough, it gives the Guardians a false code to expose their power cores, giving us the chance to destroy them. The problem, however, is that we need to keep playing nice with Cortana, we need all of her guardians in one place and for our troops to be close enough to destroy them, which is going to be hard enough." Explained Alpha. 

"Which... is exactly why we are going to UNSC controlled space tomorrow, John and his team are still out cold, which gives us some time, time we need to organize with the UNSC to form a full attack." A groggy voice said, they all looked to Mark, who sat up and shook his head violently for a moment, clearing his head. 

"You should sleep, we can leave first thing in the morning, I will notify our Captains to meet there." Valkyrie said, Mark nodded his head standing up. 

"I'll go get some sleep, but make sure you tell Locke too." Mark said, walking off to the darkness.

"Now that he's gone... I can finally tell you, he's scared. Like, more then I have ever seen him, if this plan fails, he could lose not only the war, he could lose everything he worked for, everything he tried so hard to create, and he's afraid of losing you, more then anyone else." Alpha said, before disappearing. 

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