Spartans...... Forever

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Aimilios-727 walked out with the modified blade to his side, his rifle over his shoulder and his helmet over his eyes. The sirens blaring all around them.

"All hands to battle stations, repeat all hands to battle stations, Aimilios-727 you are needed on the command deck." The alarm blared. Aimilios-727 picked up speed and ran to the command deck.

"Whats it looking like Chief?" He asked watching the immense structure.

"Thats where the Prophet resides, we must strike." The Arbiter informed. Aimilios-727 raised his sniper and looked through the sights. "Alpha enhance the sights to 300X." Aimilios-727 said, the sights immediately became more zoomed in and Aimilios-727 could easily see the windows. He scouted through the glass. He zoomed through and saw something different. "What the hell is that thing? It's sitting on top of something." Aimilios-727 informed.

"That's the Prophet! Could you strike?" The Arbiter asked. Aimilios-727 nodded, walking out onto the top of the ship and magnetically sealing himself down. "If this works.... we can go home." Aimilios-727 told himself. "Aimi.... you can do this." Chief said quietly, almost sounding worried. Aimilios-727 laid against the ship, adjusted and slowly squeezed the trigger. The bullet flew through the air and struck its target. The Prophets right arm up to the shoulder blew off. The Brutes looking around for the shooter. "Target is missing a right arm, if we move in now we can take them out." Aimilios-727 said.

A chorus of cheers went up over the radio and Aimilios-727 climbed back into the ship. People clapped and applauded.

"That was one hell of a shot." The Chief said clasping forearms with his friend.

"All in a days work, the jobs not done yet." Aimilios-727 said moving towards a Pelican.

"This is going to get rough, better hang on tight!" Johnson said as they dropped towards the structure surface. "The gates are shielded, we need to disable the towers to continue with this mission." Keyes said over the radio.

"Aimilios-727, you and the chief take out one tower, Arbiter take out the other, and I will take out the third.... this is our last chance people, we cant mess it up." Johnson said.

"I dont like you going without one of us Johnson, permission to tag along?" Aimilios-727 asked.

"That first tower is the most guarded, the chief will need all the help we can get.... dont worry yourself, and besides, if you got shot while your with me my brother would kill me." Johnson said. Aimilios-727 laughed slightly.

"Me get shot? Now your talking crazy..... fine i'll stay with the chief, then im heading over there to secure you.... later uncle." Aimilios-727 said finally, he turned to the door with the Chief.

"Just like training." He said smiling.

"Except this time we kill, the prophet led those assholes straight to Earth, he's going to pay dearly for all of our friends." Aimilios-727 said glancing to the Chief.

"How was Alice last time you saw her?" The Chief asked.

"Glad to see me, hesitant to let go of my hand, too terrified that I would run back out.... but now, now that I know what she had to go through because I wasnt with you. I will not stop until every flood ship is destroyed." Aimilios-727 said watching as the pelicans flew closer to the ground.

"And your father? How is he?" The Chief asked, it was causal as if they werent going feet first into hell.

"Great, over the last two years he's been promoted to Admiral, I guess they didnt want his son to be a higher rank then him." Aimilios-727 said smirking. The Chief shook his head slowly, then like a switch a rocket zoomed by the back of the pelican.

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