Before and After

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"Go to hell!" Mark shouted at his father. "Watch your tongue! Just because your sisters got a better test score then you doesn't mean that you can run off like that!" Marks father shouted at him as Mark stormed away. "Its because you on purposely put me and John apart! I should have never agreed to try for the Spartans! I knew you would be here!" Mark shouted turning back. "Maybe if you hadn't ran away from home you would be already out there!" His father shouted. "I ran away because of you! And that whore mother of mine!" Mark shouted, his temper flaring. "We were both upset by that Mark! Get over it!" A female voice called, Mark snorted as his sisters stood beside his father, one of the admins behind the ORION Project, as he always had been. "You are all treated like royalty here, the best treatment, the best training, the best of everything! You were always the prodigies! Mom was the only one that treated me like I was a human being! Then we find her sleeping with another man high as hell on cocaine!" Mark shouted. Then he turned and ran off, only for his sisters to catch up to him. "Its alright little brother." They said softly. "Dads gone, come on, we dont have much time!" His oldest sister whispered, they dragged Mark into a training room, the first of many private training's his sisters gave him.

"Got you!" Marks sister called as she punched at him. "Not today sister." Mark said turning and pushing her shoulder back, forcing her away. His sisters attacked and attacked, but nothing ever was able to land, months of training had insured that. Finally after hours of fighting, his sisters were growing tired. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" A voice called. Mark froze, then looked to his father and about a dozen other subjects standing there, watching. "Its simple sir, we were giving our friend here a little extra training, we need the best of the best sir." One of Marks sisters said glancing over to them. "Is this why your scores are going up? Because you need to be trained by the best? Because you need more training to keep up with everone else!?" Marks father yelled walking up. "Take a step back Adam." A female voice called, she walked in with a single boy following her. He walked over to Mark and fist bumped. "Hey John." Mark said smiling. "Hey Lukas." John said, Mark hated that he had to hide his identity, but he smiled none the less. "What do you want Halsey?" Adam sneered. "Despite needing a little more training, he raised from the bottom all the way to the top, even exceeding John on some occasions." Halsey said showing the scores. Adam looked through the scores with great interest. "Running, Acrobats, Marksmanship, Hand to impressive hand to hand combat score." he said nodding slightly. "One of the single best we have ever had." Halsey said nodding. Adam turned and snarled at Mark, then turned on his heel and walked out. "Im going to kill him.... I swear it." Mark said growling, then turned and walked to his tube, he had due augmentations.

"Look out!" John yelled running over and punching one of the other kids knocking them out, then extended a hand down to Mark. "Thanks." Mark said spitting. "Back off ODST!" John yelled. "Tell him to apologize!" One of the lead ODST yelled back. "Spartans never do anything without a purpose." John said cracking his knuckles. "Its two of you versus twenty five of us! You dont have a chance." The ODST 'leader' yelled charging forward. Mark came out of no where, grabbing the kid and throwing him back, knocking over a few other kids in the process. He turned and caught the fist heading for him, turned it slowly, then punched the kid.... hard. The kid fell back clutching his broken nose, and possibly a broken cheekbone. John helped with the next one jumping over Mark and locking his legs around the kid, spinning then throwing him back into the wall. Only about ten left, ten kids to victory. John turned to late about to take a knee to the face, when the kid was lifted off the ground and thrown into some of the equipment in the room. "You alright John?" Mark asked stepping between John and the others. "Fine, he got the jump on me." John said standing up. Mark blocked a arm and threw him to John, who raised his fist, the kid came in fast enough that the simple landing into Johns fist knocked him out cold. "Eight!" Mark called, smiling. He ran forward, punched one kid, bringing him down, then placed his knee into the kids jaw. Then he wrapped his arm around a charging kid and kicked him in the stomach, then threw him into another kid. Mark glanced around. "3!" Mark and John yelled in unison. Mark found his last opponent, the kid threw a punch, Mark dodged it and broke the kids arm. Then flipped back and brought his leg down on the back of his neck. Then he turned finding John fighting one, Mark found the other about to throw a dumbbell at John, he ran forward and caught the dumbbell turning and threw it back. It hit the kid and threw him back into a wall, the force was enough to bend the metal walls, Mark locked his jaw, it would be a slim chance for his survival. Mark turned back to see John beating the absolute shit out of the last kid. Mark rushed over. "He's done John, relax! He cant hurt us anymore!" Mark yelled pulling John back, it was a good thing he did, a second later guards and a certain admin ran into the room. "I think we can call this test a success." Adam said smiling at Mark, an evil smile that he hated. "A test! You sent them in here knowing what we would do!?" Mark yelled. Adam smiled. "Escort them back to their chambers, their armor mounting is tomorrow." Adam snicked. Mark glared at Adam as he was rushed out of the room, and into a barracks with John. Other spartans gathered near, asking all kinds of questions. "GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!" A female voice called, the crowd parted showing Marks sisters approaching. "You, come with me." She yelled, grabbing the back of his shirt and draging him to a different room and locking the door, Mark's sisters all looked worried. Mark looked up and felt his oldest sister pull him into a hug, her spartan armor cool and relaxing. "Your bleeding, what happened?" She asked looking at the bloodstains. "Dad had a test, he sent twenty five ODST after me and John, we beat them but.... never mind." Mark said looking away. "Mark, what did you do?" his oldest sister Sarah asked, Mark shook his head. The door suddenly opened and there stood, Halsey, she walked inside and locked the door. "Lukas.... sorry Mark, im sorry but the ODST you threw the dumbbell at isnt going to make it." Halsey said, Mark couldnt meet the burning gazes that burned into his skull. "I knew he wouldnt.... ma'am, is it bad that I dont feel emotion?" Mark asked, Halsey looked at him intrigued. "What do you mean Mark?" Halsey asked. "When he threw the Dumbbell at John, I just burst into action, and even now I dont really mind that I killed someone..... Does that make me evil?" Mark asked looking up. "Mark.... you were defending your friends... that doesnt make you evil, and besides, once I heard what Adam did I was infuriated, no one should force people to fight, he is evil." Halsey said softly. Mark nodded and smiled. "Are you going to be alright little brother?" Sarah asked bending down, Mark smiled and nodded. "Better get out there, John will probably break down the door soon." Halsey said only half joking. Right on queue a huge thud hit the door. "There he is, haha." Mark laughed walking to the door, he waited with his ear pressed against the door and then opened it as John rushed forward, he flew through the door and Mark caught his collar as he ran. "Im okay John, come on lets get some lunch." Mark said as his stomach growled, John smiled and walked away with Mark. To the lunchroom.

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