Nothing like the Simulations

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Aimilios looked at his helmet with its blue visor reflecting back at him.

"Hey Kid, Lock up! Dropping soon!" His Sargent yelled and he nodded and put his helmet on as he climbed into the drop pod with the DMR on one side and his SMG on the other. He listened to the voice over the intercom.

"3, 2, 1, Drop!" He heard the voice say and then he heard the pod detach.

Aimilios breathed slowly as he heard explosions all around him, he heard something hit his pod and glanced down to see the damage.

"I'm ok... As long as I hit the ground, i'll be okay." He mumbled quietly, laying his head back, bracing just as he hit the ground.

"Feet first into hell, this is why I joined ODST, let's rock." Aimilios reached up and pulled the release for the door. It opened, flooding his pod with light. He grabbed his DMR and attached it to his back, reaching back and pulling the sub machine gun from it's place near the door. Aimilios jumped out of the pod and looked around, he heard movement behind him and turned. An Elite bore down on him, striking towards him with the bright blue energy blade in it's right hand. Aimilios dodged just out of the way, the sword coming within an inch of his armor. He dodged back again and emptied his entire magazine into the beast. Satisfied that it was dead, Aimilios stopped and caught his breath.

"That.... was way bigger than the simulations showed.." Aimilios said, grabbing the elite's grenades and looking at the energy sword for a minute.

"Maybe later... not yet." He said to himself as he went off to find the other pods.

It was then he realized that the blast had separated him from the rest of the platoon. "Fuck... I hope they're okay."


Aimilios climbed through a brush of trees, finally spotting a drop pod like his own.

"About time, I was beginning to think I had been thrown to the other side of the planet." He laughed, approaching the pods. He didn't see any movement, no one turned the corner to greet him.

"Yo, Damios, you there? Amian? Tim? Sarge?" Aimilios called.


.His heart began to sink... and then , he saw an arm laying on the ground.

"No ,no, no."

Aimillios turned the corner, and despite his training, panic began to take control, his entire squad of Highly trained ODST... dead...

"What the hell? Were they waiting for them?" Aimilios could clearly see that was likely the case, a group of Elite corpses littered the ground, his squad had not gone down without a fight, that was for sure.

"This is Taylor-903 radio check!" A voice rang out over the radio.

"This is Aimilios-727 , I was separated from Bravo, I arrived and have found massive casualties over." Aimilios responded.

"Shit... sorry kid, where are you?" Taylor questioned.

"I.. think this is the landing zone, it doesn't look like the one we briefed but the main group are here so..." He trailed off.

"I don't know kid, look, take whatever you need from the corpses, and place them back in the drop pods, a squad will be tasked with getting them home. Than head to the objective, i'll try and find you there." Taylor ordered.

Aimilios did as he was told, placing each corpse inside their drop pods, taking their knives and helmets for the ODST ritual he was taught.

Aimilios stabbed their knvies into the drop pods emergancy port, than hung their helmets from the knives, it was the equivalent of an ODST tomb.

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