A New Friend?

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After the chief explained,  727 smiled, realizing how bad it looked for him. "Well Damn Chief, You really fucked up." 727 laughed, the chief nodded, his team depressed. "Listen John, I dont care what you do next, but if you need help, I'll be there in a second, thats what brothers are for." He said standing and walking to the tunnel. "Thanks Mark, I know your on your own, but try not to go too far to hell." The Chief said, Mark laughed. "Im not going to hell, I already live there." Mark replied, then he turned his head as a explosion caught his attention. "We got company." Kelly said running back into the cavern. The Chief stood, grabbing a rifle. "No, Chief, take the other exit and get the hell out, its time to know who the hell they're messing with." 727 said, pulling the mask over his eyes. "Mark, you do this, they'll hunt you." The Chief said. "My kill count never stops, even former friends." 727 said, walking forward, his Legion forming behind him. "And John? If you ever want a change in scenery, the Legion will welcome you with open arms." 727 added as he walked out of the cave. "CHIEF! STAND... Oh god, its you." A voice said, 727 emerged with the dozen of spartans. "727, you are hereby to return to earth for retirement and reconstruction." A man said, 727 laughed. "I dont work for the UNSC anymore." 727 said, showing the scratch. "Traitor? Your betraying us?" A soldier asked. "Im not even that old, why do I have to retire?"  727 asked. "Your 50 years old!" The man shouted. "With the augments, I aged slower, I have the body of a 25 year old." 727 groaned, he hated bringing up his age. "It doesnt matter! Are you going to come quiet... your really doing it." The man said, seeing the spartans around him, recognizing the scratches. "We... are the Black Legion, and our recruitment stations are open." 727 said, and deciding he gave the chief enough time, ordered Cat to pick them up. The stunned soldiers couldnt even move as they flew away. 

"SIR, We have the fleet admiral on the line." Jumper said, entering the cargo hold. "Are they alright?" He asked, seeing the exhausted girls. "My sisters will be fine, they have been trying to break down the door with drained armor. This dent must have been from Tex." 727 said, motioning to a seemingly large dent in the door. "Must have, but still, the fleet admiral." Jumper reminded, 727 sighed. "Only a matter of time." He said as he walked out with Jumper. They walked onto the control deck, the screen showing the fleet admiral. "Mark, what do you think your doing?" Harper asked. "Is it not obvious? I serve for a lifetime, I kill, for a lifetime, then I am thrown away like a old toy? NOT HAPPENING, this is my crew, my spartans, MY Legion!" Mark yelled, Harper grew angry his eyes narrowing. "Admiral, you are ordered to return that armor or else." He threatened. "Or else what? The Chief is on my side, the best spartans serve me, You have no ground to stand on Harper, not now, not anymore." 727 laughed, he had wished that it had gone better, but, he would not stand down. "Be warned 727, this will only end badly, I suggest you watch your back." Admiral Harper said, 727 laughed. "Then consider this a goodbye gift, to all those listening, the black spartans pay better, and we dont have as many pointless rules to abide by, come to the Legion, and come home." 727 said, and then Cat cut the video. 

"Thats how we do it!" Boom laughed. "Sir, we are picking up a distress beacon.... wait... that cant be right?" Patches said, looking at a terminal. "Where is it Patch?" 727 asked, looking at the screen, the planet looked like it was molten. "Its glassed... wait... I know this place, this is Reach." I said, realizing. "Who the hell is alive on reach?" Boom asked, I thought about it, but I shrugged. "I dont know, but if he's broadcasting, he must be in trouble. LEGION! ARMOR UP!" 727 yelled, the others rushing to their armor stations. "Cat, take the RB Team back to base, get my sisters situated, and get rooms ready, were going to have company." He ordered. "But what if its hot?" Cat asked. "Were Legionaries! We can handle a little bit of combat!" Patches laughed. "Exactly what I was thinking brother!" Boom said, high-fiving Patches. "Can I come with you? As a Shadow?" Carolina asked. 727 looked at her hard for a second, then he smiled. "Sure kid, Alpha Team, welcome our newest trainee, lets find her a callsign!" 727 said. "OORAH!" The others yelled, and they welcomed Carolina with open arms. "While she's gone, Sarge, you keep them in line, Wash, I want you to train them, I want to see the best performance when we get back, understood?!" 727 asked. "Understood sir! Man this feels good!" Wash laughed, he seemed happy to be a Legionary, they all did, and that made 727 feel a confidence he hadn't felt since his sleep for four years. "Alpha team, lets move!" Valkyrie shouted, and they all ran. "So we're really doing it? Starting our own army?"Valkyrie asked as they ran. "Its what I said right? I have friends in the UNSC, but ONI are pricks, hell, my body hasnt even aged to thirty, and when it does eventually age to a point where I cant fight... I'll give it to someone who I choose." 727 said, then he lovingly pushed Valkyrie. "But hey, a little bit more adventure never hurt anyone." He said, then he went to the Warthog, the others already loaded up and waiting. 

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