Chapter 6: Presentation Day

Start from the beginning

"I know, Maggie. It's because you have such a big heart and you deserve to give yourself a chance to find out if this guy is the right one."

"I, uh, I just-" I look back down, biting my lip. I feel so cruel right now.

"And you have to promise to give me a chance too."

"I—what?"My eyes snap back to his face, a smirk on his lips and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Monday is my next day off and you are going on a date with me."

I nod. "O-okay."

He ruffles my hair and walks off into the parking lot. I stand there and watch him go.

"What was that about?" Aria walks up startling me out of my stupor.

"I have a date. Another date. I have two dates. Aria, what the hell is happening to me?"

"Aw,my widdle Maggie is all growed up." She says wrapping her arms around my head in an awkward hug. I shove her off and head for my car.

Aria came over to help me get ready for my date with Nicolas. She brought over half her wardrobe because apparently my closet full of t-shirts wasn't good enough.

"You said Nicolas was in a suit, which means he will also be wearing one when he picks you up tonight." She said, picking up dresses,shaking her head and tossing them aside.

"You don't know that. He could have planned a hiking trip."

"We live on the plains, where are you going to go hiking?"

"I just mean-"

"He wore a suit, you will dress to match. Now shut up and put this on."

She tossed a dress at me. It was a wine red flared dress, no poofy underskirt this time though. I put it on then looked at the dress and glared at her.

"I don't think so." The design was similar to the dress she had me wear to the party, but the neckline plunged down in a 'V' showing way more cleavage than I was comfortable with.

"He's like, designer hot, so you need to look like you deserve to be by his side. Which means designer dress. You're not changing."

In the end, she won. At least she didn't even try to put glitter in my hair this time since she was going for a more elegant and mature look. We were just finishing up when the doorbell rang. I looked at myself in the mirror. I really did look elegant. Aria did a great job.

I heard my mom greet Nicolas at the door and I turned to Aria. "I think I'm going to throw up."

She raised her eyebrow at me. "Not in that dress, you're not."

"Aria,I don't think I can do this."

"Yes you can."

"Just tell him I got sick."

"You're going."

"What if I make a total fool out of myself? I mean, I can barely walk in these shoes. What if I break an ankle. Actually that's a good idea! Tell him I broke my ankle. Or really break my ankle! Even better!"

She grabbed my arm and ushered me out the door. Apparently I wasn't getting out of this.

Nicolas stood in the doorway dressed in a black suit, dress shirt and tie. He looked like a mafia hit man. An extremely sexy mafia hit man. In his arms he held a large bouquet of dark red roses, a smaller one was in Mom's hands.

"I must say, Maggie, you're choice in men is exceptional. I haven't gotten this many flowers in ages." She smiled.

Nicolas walked forward, taking my hand and kissing it lightly. "You look stunning, Magnolia."

"Th-thanks."I mumble.

He hands me the flowers, "A beautiful bouquet for a beautiful woman."

Wow, cheesy line. But does it work? Of course it does. I bite my lip, transfixed by his intense gaze. He glances to my lips and smirks. His eyes do the talking for him this time and I can read exactly what he is thinking. I feel my skin burning as mom walks over and takes the roses from me.

"I'll just go put these in some water shall I? Aria, you can help." She gave me a knowing grin and pulled my friend from the room leaving me alone with Nicolas. I had the sudden urge to grab Aria's arm and scream 'Please don't leave me!' but I took a deep breath instead.

Nicolas offered me his arm. "Shall we?"

Dear readers,

Yay! Date time! Wow, they are both being such gentlemen, Maggie really got lucky in love, didn't she?  Date #1 in the next chapter? What does Nicolas have planned for our little cinnamon roll?

Please click that little star in the corner to let me know you liked it! And leave a comment. I would love to hear your predictions!

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