Chapter 6: Presentation Day

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Friday, presentation day. Joshua did most of the talking, as we agreed. I haven't quite learned to swallow my fear of public speaking like he has. All in all, it went well and I got my first 'A' in Science, though I give Joshua all the credit for that. I feel like I did almost nothing.

Joshua and his crew have been sitting with Aria and I at lunch every day now which has made it really hard to read, but not impossible. Joshua asks about my progress in the book as soon as he sits down. He finished reading this series last month so he knows everything that happens, but thankfully has kept the spoilers to himself.

Aria has seamlessly inserted herself into Joshua's group of friends. She always has been good at the people thing. What she isn't good at, is keeping her mouth shut.

"We should all hang out tonight. The new Spiderman movie is out." Juanita says.

I stare intently at my book as everyone makes plans.

"What about you, Mags?" Mateo asks. I pretend not to hear, but then Aria speaks for me.

"Oh,she's got a hot date tonight."

I look up at her as I feel the heat rise in my cheeks, though not the same heat I get from Joshua's smiles, whom I kissed, or Nicolas' for that matter. Whom I am going on a date with tonight. And then the heat is gone, as the blood drains from my face. I bite my lip and chance a glance over at Joshua. He seems to be un-phased by this turn of events. He even smiles. Damn him!

"Who's the lucky guy?" Juanita ask, also smiling.

"Uh,he's just a guy that graduated last year. He's back in town visiting some friends and we ran into each other in the parking lot."

"We could do Spiderman next Friday then." Joshua says. He's being awfully cool about this. It worries me.

"What about Saturday?" Aria asks.

"I work Saturdays."

"Sunday then?"

This time Sam speaks up. "Nah, man. Sunday is church day. Can't do Sundays."

"Then next Friday it is." I say, putting on a smile.

After school, I finally catch Joshua alone. I want to explain, to tell him it all happened before the...uh. Crap, he's getting away!

I run up to him and catch his sleeve. He turns around, smiling at me.

"Hey, Maggie. What's up?"

"I,um," How do I start this? How do I tell him?I take a deep breath and decide to just blurt it out. "Look, this all happened before I went to your house and we, uh." I scratched my head, looking away. I can't look in his eyes right now. What if I hurt him? I didn't want to see that on his face.

"It's fine, Maggie. Really." He pulls on my chin to look into my eyes. He has a sincere smile on his face. Is he really okay with this?

"It's not like you asked me to kiss you and I should have made sure you were okay with it before I did. I don't hold any kind of exclusive rights to your time. You are your own person and can make your own decisions."

"You're being awfully cool about this. I just, it would kill me if I hurt you. You're such a great guy and I, um..." I mumble. I almost told him I liked him. But how can I say that when I'm going on a date with another guy tonight? Social lives are hard. Can I go back to not having one?

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