All For One: Chapter Two: Part One:

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Danny invited Rachel to stay the night, as soon as they got home, "I don't want you to be on the couch, We are two grown adults, married once even, I think we can share a bed, Don't you think ?", The Blond asked his ex-wife

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Danny invited Rachel to stay the night, as soon as they got home, "I don't want you to be on the couch, We are two grown adults, married once even, I think we can share a bed, Don't you think ?", The Blond asked his ex-wife. Who was surprised by this act of kindness. "Yes, Daniel, I believe that we can", & they went to get ready for bed. Danny couldn't help to think what could've been, If he, & Rachel got back together.

Rachel's mouth went dry at the sight of her ex-husband in nothing, but a pair of boxer shorts, Shr thought back to those steamy nights, before they got married, & settled down, The one thing, that she does regret, is treating him the way that she did, & was sorry for it. She decided to dedicate the rest of her life to make it up to him, cause he is a great guy, & she is lucky to know him, & their kids are lucky to have him as a father.

She quickly made eye contact with him, as she blushed, He smirked, cause it made him feel good, that he still looks good to her. "Danny, I just wanted to say I am so sorry for the way that I treated you in the past", That took the blond off guard, & surprised him conpletely, & he said to her, as he gave her his full attention, "What do you mean ?", He never saw this side of his ex before.

"For everything, The Arguments, Custody Battles, & just the mean, & nasty things that happened, You didn't deserve it", she said with a sigh, as she relaxed. Danny took a moment, & said, "Thank you", as he kissed her cheek, & then, he relaxed with her for awhile. Rachel took another good look at her ex, & was having some impure thoughts.

She got her mind back on track, as she was getting the courage to tell Danny how she really felt about him. "Danny, I need to tell you something, & it's important," The Blond nodded for her to continue on, "I thought I finally settled for the right person, But, I didn't, You were the love of my life, & still are", as she was pouring her heart out to him.

"Rache, You are mine too, I loved you, still do, I never got over you, I am sorry that I caused problems between you, & Stan, I also regret not fighting hard for us", The Blond said sadly, as he held her hands into his own. He composed himself, "I am really sorry for my part in this too", he kissed the knuckles of one hand. "I want us to have one final chance at this, What do you say ?", he asked, She smiled, as she gave her response.

"I want us to be a family again, I missed us just being together, I want you so badly", she said, as she pushed him down on the bed. The British Vixen started to attack his neck, Danny just moaned, as he lets the sensations overtake him, & was enjoying it. For once, He feels loved, & being loved, Also cherished too in the process.  He stripped off his boxers, He stripped her out of her clothes completely, & they made love, til the Couple fell asleep in each other's arms that wonderful night.

The Next Morning, Danny woke up, & for the first time, He was smiling, He knew that this time, There is no fear, & he could take chances. He slipped out of bed, so he wouldn't disturb Rachel, & he went to make breakfast for them. Danny knew that he has to tell his ohana that he, & Rachel are back together, but he thinks that it could wait. For once, He is gonna take the opportunity to be happy, & hold on to it, this time for good.

Rachel woke up in the meantime, & she was feeling good too, She had no regrets about what happened the previous night, The Beautiful Woman felt like she is in the right place, & belongs here. "God, It was just like I remembered it", she thought to herself.  It was perfect, & she wants to have that feeling over, & over.

She knew that she couldn't screw this up again, She never felt this happy for awhile, So, She is gonna do this right, Cause she had the kids to think about, & their futures too. She is gonna make sure that they are all happy. Rachel felt like she owed this to Danny, After all of the sacrifices that he made 9 years ago.

She put on one of Danny's discarded shirts on, & headed for the kitchen, She was smiling, cause she heard him humming happily, as he was preparing breakfast for them, & it was just the perfect mood setting. Rachel captures in her mind, so she can keep it forever, whenever she needs a happy thought, whenever she is worried or sad.

Danny looked up at her, & smiled at her, "We should have a great breakfast, & head back to the hospital to relieve Steve", She agreed, & said, "I don't want to be away from her for too long", Danny nodded, & said, as he did pointed to her plate, "Eat", They are in normal silence. Then, They got ready to start their day officially, & on the right track.

At the hospital, The Five-O Commander  was making sure that he was there for every moment, that Grace needed him. Sandy, One of Five-O's favorite nurses came in, & was doing her routine check on the young girl, She took a good look at Steve, & asked, "You doing okay, Commander ?", She was concerned, & wanted him to feel comfortable. He smiled, & answered her this, as her response to her question.

"I am just fine, Sandy, I just want to make sure that Grace is okay, & comfortable, as she sleeps on, She doesn't deserve to suffer any further", He said, as he glanced at her sleeping form. Sandy smiled, & said, "Don't worry, She is being well taken care of, Why don't you shower, & freshen up ?", He nodded, & did just that. When he got back, He smiled, as he saw that Danny, & Rachel are holding hands together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2019 ⏰

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