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I stayed up until the early hours of morning rerunning the kiss over and over in my head. It was so unexpected, and felt so good. When I wake up the next morning. I immediately smile. He kissed me. Jake kissed me. Why did he kiss me? He's straight...or so I thought. And definitely doesn't like me, not like that. But maybe he does? I'm so confused by the whole thing. Still though, I want to do it again and again and again. All I can think about is the feeling of his lips on mine. Ew, I'm so gross.

I get out of bed quicker than usual, dressing in all black as always. I even put a hat on, reminding me of the guy who's taken over my mind. As I get outside, not at all ready for the day, I glance down at my phone. It's almost second period, and part of me is mad that I'll have to wait an hour before I can see him. Oh my god, what am I thinking? Who am I? When did I become this boy obsessed person?

I try to shake the thoughts from my head and start making my way towards the school. For once in my life I didn't even think about not coming. This is so crazy, I never would've guessed that this is how my week would end. But a good crazy. When I get to the abandoned house and see his knife already inside the brick, I feel happier than I've felt in a while.

I walk into my classroom, already bored as I bounce my leg impatiently. Thankfully it's just presentations today so I hardly have to pay any attention. I try to lose myself in brick breaker, but really I'm counting down the minutes.

Finally, the long ass hour comes to an end and I rush out of the room. Annoyingly though, my dumb ass forgot to grab my math book so I have to stop at my locker on the way to calculus. I just want to get there already. Ew, Cooper, get a grip. This isn't you.

I try to calm myself down as I walk through the halls. I've never seen Jake that way before, but that kiss felt so fucking good. Is it possible to like someone without knowing it? Not that it even matters, I don't know where we stand right now. He did say he was trying something; I bet that was just him experimenting with his sexuality. And even if he said it was mind blowing, I think that was him making fun of me. What if I enjoyed it more than he did? Oh fuck. He's straight, isn't he? He just got bored or desperate or whatever. It was just some drunken mistake. He doesn't like me like that, there's no way.

I walk into the room and my nerves immediately go crazy. Jake's already here, sitting in the back row like always. I refuse to look directly at him, knowing I'll start blushing if I do. All I can think about is that kiss, but I need to act normal. Just in case it meant nothing to him, I need to pretend like it never happened. This is a normal day.

I can feel him looking at me as I make my way over, but I stay strong. When I drop into my seat though, I can't take the tension anymore. I make eye contact, smiling a little. As soon as I see his face properly, the kiss runs through my mind and I feel warm. He has this annoying knowing smirk on his face and look in his eye. It's like he can tell what I'm thinking about. I hate it.

"Hey," he greets, still holding that teasing look.

"Um, hi," I awkwardly stumble, forgetting how to be normal. This is so weird. Does he feel weird? Probably not, he's acting so casual. Oh my God, I'm losing my fucking mind and it's all his fault.

"How was your night?" he asks, that taunting smirk only growing.

"Shut up," I reply, laughing as I shake my head at him. I look down at my page, feeling my face heat up and hoping it's not as obvious as it feels.

"Make me," he mumbles so quietly it takes me a second to understand what he said. He's such an idiot. There's a massive, obvious grin on my face as I elbow him harshly. "Ow!" he whines.

"I hate you," I tell him, still refusing to look him in the eye.

He chuckles, continuing to be a teasing little fuck as he hums, "Mhm." I kick him under the desks and he laughs, both of us falling silent as Mrs Turner comes in and starts the lesson.

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