"Tell him girl." Renae said giving him a evil glare.

He said no more and rang my things up . I swiped my card .

"Would you like a bag maam." He said softly.

I blinked and stared at him with a straight face.

He then placed my stuff in a bag and handed it to me I took it and walked out .

"I like how you handled yourself back there." Renae said smirking in pride.

"You know what I'm tired of being walked over and treated like a mat because people cant accept bigger women." I said as we walked towards the bus

"It's a shame you even have to go through that with people we all bleed the same." Renae shook her head shaking up a pack of cigarettes.

She then took one out and lit it inhaling the chemicals.

"Seriously Renae?" I began getting angry.

"What?" She said flicking the ends.

I knocked the cigarette from her hand and stepped on it putting it out.

"What do you want to do? Die early? " I asked her getting frustrated.

"Look I already don't have that long to live I might as well do whatever I want right now to get the best out of life. " she shrugged her shoulders.

" Not around me." I rolled my eyes and continued walking into the bus.

She sensed I was upset and respected my wishes and came in and sat next to me on the bus.

We resumed driving and was home in a little of no time.

The bus arrived on Renae's street and then came to a hault.

The bus driver thanked us for riding with them and we got our bags and walked off the bus.

It was around 7 and I was ready to see Chico and my bed.

She walked to open her front door and I stood there on the corner.

"So are you going to come in?" She said .

"No that's ok you get some rest I'll call a uber. " I played on my phone.

"Ok." She said walking in the house then shutting the door.

I heard the garage door come up and her car backed out the driveway.

"I'm not going to tell you this again so listen up." She yelled out her window.

I turned to look at her

"Get in the car ." She said with a straight face hitting the steering wheel.

I walked over and placed my things in the car and we drove to Aaron's house.

"You know you got a attitude on you right." Renae leaned back in her seat and looked over at me.

"I know. " I said smiling.

We approached Aaron's house and I texted him and told him I was outside.

I got out the car as soon as I saw him with my baby.

"Hey Celia how was your trip?" He smiled handing me Chico.

"It was refreshing thanks for taking care of my dog." I smiled at him.

"I can tell, because your glowing but it was no problem he was a good boy."

"Thanks well see you around." I smirked and walked off.

"Celia wait!" He yelled out to me then I turned around.

"Yea?" I said.

"There's this dog park that I take Mila to I'm sure Chico would love it. Were going Wednesday if you want to come. " he said rubbing his hands together

"I'll think about it I have work and stuff so I don't know. " I said to him.

"Well if you do come that'll be great were going at 5." He said.

I nodded and waved to him then got back in the car.

"Hi baby " I said to Chico he ran around wagging his tail he missed me.

I took out my phone and seen I was calling someone and they were on for 10 minutes.

"Hello?" A deep voice said.

"Hello?" I said I then realized it was Stefanzo.

"Who was that you were talking to?" He questioned me getting straight to the point.

Renae held her mouth in shock smiling.

"Oh just the dog sitter." I said.

"Sounded like he wanted to do more than sit dogs. Let me have to come up there and go off" I tried to contain my laughter when he said that.

"What are you doing here on my phone anyways?" I asked him laughing.

"You called me beautiful I just was being nosey." He said.

"Mhm well I'll call you when I get home." I told him.

"I'll be waiting." He said then I hung up.

Renae took me home and I thanked her for everything she did for me .

I hugged her tight and then walked upstairs to my apartment opening the door.

I walked in and exhaled .

"What a trip." I said letting Chico out to roam giving him food and water.

I took my clothes straight off and hopped in the shower. Relaxing my body from being on the bus for so long.

I put on my sleeping clothes and got in to my cozy bed. I called Stefanzo back and talked to him till I fell asleep from his voice.


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