Lukas chuckled slightly, shaking his head. "Wow, I didn't even have to pay to see a comedy show."

Petra's head snapped in his direction at his words, giving Jesse just the moment she needed. A sly smirk found it's place on her face as she grabbed one of the pillows, smacking it right into the back of Petra's head.

The unsuspecting warrior let out a yelp of surprise as she was knocked forward, crashing right into an even more unsuspecting Lukas. Jesse was snorting with laughter, both her friends complaining furiously as they tried to untangle themselves from each other.

"Oh, you're so paying for that, Jesse!" Petra bellowed, grabbing a pillow as well and hurtling it at her.

Jesse squealed, ducking beneath Petra's blow and grabbing her own pillow again. And before the knew it, all three them were at war in a pillow fight.

Jesse wasn't even keeping track of who or what she was hitting with her pillow, blindly flailing it around in defense. Suddenly her pillow collided with Petra's, which sent it flying straight into Lukas. Having unarmed Jesse, Petra raised her pillow for the pay-back punch.

"Nope!" Jesse called out, leaping forward and shoving her friend back instead. Right against the tent flap – which wasn't zipped up.

Petra let out a cut-short shriek as she stumbled right out of the tent and into the pouring rain outside. "Petra!" Lukas and Jesse both gasped, dropping their pillows and heading for the tent flap as well.

Petra was staggering up from ground, her clothes coated in mud, bandanna lopsided and red hair a good few shades darker. Ignoring the rain, Jesse clambered out of the tent as well.

"I'm so sorry!" She gasped, holding a hand out to Petra to help her up from the ground.

Petra grinned as she took Jesse's hand. "Oh, it's okay!" And she yanked Jesse down into the mud as well.

Jesse shrieked as cold immediately seeped into her clothes, looking down at her drenched from. Both she and Petra looked over at Lukas, who was the only one who wasn't covered in mud yet.

"You know what?" Petra said, her grin growing even more. "We're out here already... might as well have fun with it!"

Lukas caught on a second too late, not able to dart out of the way in time as Petra suddenly pelted him with a handful of mud.

"It's on!" He called, scooping up mud in both his hands and tossing them at both Jesse and Petra.

Their laughter echoed through the sound of pouring rain as the three friends threw each other with handfuls of mud, slipping and sliding on the slick ground as they rained the mud balls down on each other. Soon it pretty much impossible to tell what colour their clothes used to be.

"Hey Jesse!" Petra called, hurtling an exceptionally large clot of mud right at her friend. "Payback for earlier!"

Jesse shrieked as the ball of mud collided with her shoulder, completed throwing her off balance. She waved her arms wildly as she tried to keep her balance on the slippery ground. But gravity had the advantage, pulling over and straight into the river.

Jesse gasped as she broke through the water's surface again, the iciness completely knocking her breath away. Shaking her wet hair out of her eyes, she glared at onlooking Petra and Lukas.

"That looks like fun!" Petra said matter-of-factly, dropping her ammunition of mud balls and promptly leaping into the water with Jesse.

Lukas shrugged, holding out his hands. "We're wet anyway, why not?" He laughed, before also jumping into the river.

The three of them were all laughing hysterically as they resumed their fight in the form of splashing each other with water. While it continued to rain heavily, the three friends didn't put a stop to their fun for another hour to come.

"You know guys-" Jesse said as they finally began to clamber out of the river. "We're all probably going to be sick with colds tomorrow, but it was so worth it."

"With you on that one!" Petra agreed with a chuckle. "Rainy days just got a whole lot better."


How perfect that I drew this prompt on a rainy day? xD

I couldn't come up with any great ideas for this, and my brain kept going back to just Jesse listening to the rain while reading a good book (maybe because that's what I wanted to be doing... hmm).
So I thought; Who WOULDN'T want to sit and read a book? Petra of course! and this one shot was born XD

I also made it a sequel to By Your Side, because it gave me an excuse for plopping them out in a tent in the middle of nowhere. And the weather was cloudy in that, so it makes sense that it could have started raining.

Buuut, I don't think I have anything else to say, other than this was fun! Not the most action filled or longest one shot, but it helps break up the chain of dark, depressing and generally sad themed one shots I've been posting XD

I hope you all enjoyed this one shot, and I'll see you tomorrow with whichever prompt I draw next!

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