chapter 10

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Rose pov

I knew it, I just had this feeling that Sharon was pretending, that apology was too good to be true, but trust Crystal she is always nâive.

She trusts people so much and it's so annoying, whenever I try to make her see people for who they are, I become the bad person. That's why I take care of things myself on her behalf, just like the way I took care of Victor, it wasn't easy but I knew what was best for her and he wasn't.

I remembered seeing Crystal cry, but it's better she cries now than later I'm really sorry Crystal I couldn't stand it, but it was best for her.

Two weeks before, I got home I tried to log into my account and I noticed Crystal forgot to log out so I decided to help her log out, so I could access my account only for Victor's chat to pop up, I decided to look at his profile picture not that I haven't seen it but I wanted to insult him at least in my mind. He isn't bad, very good looking but I don't trust him. I quickly copied his username and logged out of Crystal account, I was going to pretend like a random girl.

I added him and he accepted my request we started chatting, I kept the chat up for days trying to gain his trust and all, I finally asked him if he has a girlfriend and he said yes, I decided to ask more about her and he said she was still in secondary school so I decided to be Nasty, boys like Nasty girls.
he finally said he hasn't had sex with his Girl but he was waiting for the right time but he has a girl in school who kept his bed warm at night.

I knew it, I knew that Victor was a player and I had to prove it. The next day I went to school and crystal wouldn't stop telling me about victor, which annoyed me the more so I had to act fast.

When I got home that day I had to put my plans in action, I message Victor and told him I knew Crystal, he was shocked but I told him not to worry Crystal doesn't know of this chat, I also told him she was cheating on him, she was just using him to show off and she wasn't really a Virgin.

I sent him my nudes claiming it was Crystal nudes, the ones she sent to her boyfriend, ThankGod we had the same skin color. it was hard for him to believe me, so I had to create another account using Crystal's name and photo and one useless boy who has been disturbing me I had to promise to kiss the bastard so we could act it well, he played his part well.

I gave Victor the fake account to go through which he did and finally confirmed I wasn't lying, I quickly changed the password and deleted the old account. My work is done.

Victor called me that night he was in shock, he said so many mean things about crystal but I had to act cool even though I wanted to slap him so hard but I was the reason for that so there was little I could do, he said he was going to break up with Crystal but slowly and painfully, I told him to take it easy but deep down I was happy my plan worked.

Crystal is for me and no one else, I was good and I'm still good. I need a plan, I'm going to handle Sharon she just touched the tail of the lion, she wants to hurt my Crystal I would show her.

As for Divine, I would handle him, he is the reason why Sharon is acting like this I can't see myself in this kind of triangle without pulling myself out, he has Marvel a beautiful girl, there is Sharon and now my Crystal is involved. Its time to scatter that triangle, I am the perfect girl for that.

I took care of Uzoms when she tried to get to close to Crystal even though I knew she knew Uzoms before me and they call eachother sisters, just because they had few resemblances I won't hear word(mtcheeeew).

Tomorrow is a new day, I totally forgot about Mr Walter's test I needed to keep my A game in that School, and also take Sharon out.

Well well,l, Rose is ready for Sharon.👿👿
She went too far with Victor but he was cheating too.
Thank you all for reading this far.
I finally got Divine's picture🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

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