Chapter 8

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Crystal POV

Peter was really good looking, that guy has height and dimples, honestly, why would God give him dimples and not me, if I had dimples I think I would be smiling always.

Peter was very cool spending few days with him, he didn't make me feel like a stranger, he even has open teeth, he is always teasing me that am short but I told him am growing and I would be taller than him soon. And I learnt his staying over for a month finally I can have someone to look forward to when I am going back home.

Mrs Lawson finished her subject while leaving she gave us an assignment, so many assignments "God help me".

Thank God we had a free period after Mrs Lawson class, the rose is having a separate class today no one to talk to except Daniel, we rarely talk to me, he was always talking to rose, maybe he didn't like me.

Hello, Daniel, do you hate me,

I could see the shock on his face I guess he wasn't expecting the question,

no crystal I don't hate you why would you say so he asked,

well you don't talk to me but you're always talking to rose and u seat in-between us. He didn't say anything else he just laughed.

This is the first time I am actually noticing Daniel, he wasn't bad looking at all, he was dark skinned and had pointed nose. He could actually talk, I think he misunderstood me the very first day. He asked me if we could start all over again as seatmates it was funny and I said of course while talking with Daniel, I noticed Sharon's eyes, and I starred back, she smiled and removed her eyes what's with this girl.

Daniel left the class, so I brought out my biology textbook and a letter fell out.
"Crystal could we meet after school don't be scared I won't hurt you" Sharon Dery

What is this girl's problem, I would show rose this note, not too long rose came into the class.

Babe Sharon sent me another note, why does she want to see me again, this girl has problem

Rose took the note and said crystal we would see her and this time we would go together,

Rose always has my back, she is just like the sister I never had, I remember when she saw my diary back in Kings.

She snatched it, I couldn't let her see it so many things were in that diary including her name which she might not feel comfortable about it and it might end our friendship so I chased on but God that girl can run fast.

Crystal I can never hate you, why didn't you tell me you like me very well and had a crush, do you think I was going to hate you.

I smiled hearing that from her and ever since that day we became closer, rose seeing that diary wasn't bad at all.

I need to handle Sharon Dery she is really trying my patience, she thinks because I kept quiet the last time it can happen again. but the crystal is back.

Hey, crystal I have been calling you, gosh this boy is so cute, sorry divine so many things on my mind, where have you been, been looking for you.

So you do miss me crystal, thought u hated me, I went to the library, grades are really going down and my dad is putting so much pressure on me.

If I hated you won't be standing here talking to me I laughed, deep down I was blushing. Sorry divine we could be reading partners, like the saying goes two heads are better than one.

After divine left to the library again. And few mins to closing, I tapped rose asking her if she was ready and rose been rose smiled.

We waited 10mins after closing to the same location we met Sharon the last time. She was already waiting for me should I say us.

Hey, Sharon, I saw your note, and mind you divine doesn't want to stay away from me maybe you should tell your bestie that her boyfriend should stay away from me, I smirked

Crystal that's not the reason I asked us to meet, I just wanted to say I was sorry for that day, I was just looking out for my friend. Just like the way rose is always looking out for you.

Wait what did Sharon just apologise to me right now, I turned and looked at rose I could see the shock, I was prepared to fight not forgive.

I know you guys are shocked but I don't hate you crystal, and moreover we once attended the same school so no need for cat fight here before we give a bad impression of King's don't forget Mrs bello saying, she brought out her hand so friends now right.

I was reluctant at first but I hugged her instead, finally I had one less enemy in this school. I looked at rose but I guess rose wasn't all that convinced. I nudge her and she shook Sharon's hand.

Rose walked me home since she was stopping at her sister's house which is not far from my granny's house.

Crystal I'm not convinced with sharon's apologies you have to careful she hugged me. And took the other side of the road.

I know something was up but I was happy I won't be having a hard time at school any more. Finally going home and happy that I was home.. Today ended well at school.

Do you guys think Sharon was been sincere.
Someone asked why divine's girlfriend isn't in the picture, well she was a calm girl and she had Sharon..
P.s she didn't really love divine, he was just popular and so was she.she just loved him for the title .

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