Blossoming of One's Yearning

Start from the beginning

"It's beautiful." I say in awe.

The morning light making everything look more serene and calm, I smile and run to the edge of the stream, I feel like a kid again, but I don't feel embarrassed or anything. I kneel down and feel the cool water, it's so refreshing. I dip both of my palms in the water and washed my face gently, the coolness of the water wakes me up completely and washed away any remaining sleepiness. I shake my hands dry and I inhale the fresh air and close my eyes, I open them again a few seconds later and look beside me. Naraku kneels down beside me and scoop up a handful of water and let Atamashi drink from it. I smile at how caring Naraku is, he looks charming and enchanting. He then looks up and at me, I feel a slight heat coming to my cheeks as our eyes meet.

"Is everything alright?" He asks me.

"Perfect, everything's perfect. Seeing you taking care of Atamashi is heartwarming." I say with a giggle.

"Ah... I see." Naraku replies with a nod.

After looking at the stream, we walked around a bit more. We admire the luscious green of the leaves, the yellow, white, and purple of the small flowers. The gentle breeze guiding us through out the heart of the forest, it's a lot bigger than I thought. The morning soon turns into afternoon, I have to leave soon but before I do. Naraku and I come upon a cliff that looks out to the horizon and mountains that lines the distance, the two of us sit side by side and look out. How peaceful and tranquil, the white clouds rolling by in the sky, the shapes of birds flying in a line above us.

"Thanks for today Naraku, I got to see so much beauty and wonder today, and just in this forest alone." I say smiling as I inhale the fresh air.

"No need to thank me, I believe you have done more for me than I have for you." He says quietly.

I turn to look at him, he's looking out into the distant with a vacant gaze again.

"Here let me hold Atamashi." I say to Naraku.

Naraku looks at me puzzled but hands Atamashi over to me. I hold him in my palms and I hold him out and away from me, holding him above the ground that is far from us. I open my palm and I waited.

"What are you doing_________?" Naraku asks me with a bit of concern.

"I'm showing you something." I say to him with a gentle smile.

We both look back at Atamashi, he's chirping and moving, but he's not attempting to fly. When I think I got the message through I pull Atamashi back and pet him. I then turn my body to face Naraku.

"What I'm trying to show you is, all of us have our moments when we are at our weakest. Although we have our weaknesses, they shouldn't keep us down or prevent us from doing what we were meant to do. Atamashi was born to fly, but under circumstances he's unable to at the moment. We, are here to help him, nurse him, and be there for him when it's time for him to spread his wings again. Let's see ourselves as Atamashi, our weaknesses in this moment is not remembering a part of our life, but that is when you and I come in for each other. We are there to support each other, be a friend for one another. The most important of all, is that I hope we'll be there to see each other reach our potential, finding ourselves, and living out our lives the way we want. I didn't do more for you than what you have done for me. Kindness shouldn't be seen as an act that requires some kind of payback, so don't think you owe me anything, you don't." I say with a smile.

Naraku looks at me, his eyes searching mine. I feel a slight sense of conflict reflecting from his eyes.

"Your words always seem to calm me whenever my mind is in deep thoughts. it's admirable, I feel grateful that I met you__________." Naraku says with a gentle smile.

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