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Chuuya spent all the day sitting on the couch and watching TV, she felt exhausted even though she didn't make any efforts, all she wanted was to see the smiling faces of her sons again.

Her wish was soon granted as her husband came home after his work was done bringing their two kids from their elementary school with him. Chuuya named one of them Shuuji which was Dazai's name back in the life when she fell in love with him while Dazai named the second one Mirai, for the future they will share together.

Of the three of them, Mirai was the first one who was done taking off his shoes and coat jumping in his mother's arms as she walked to them kneeling down to be in the same level as him to hug him in her arms tightly.

"I missed you, mommy !"

"Welcome home, my dears ."

Chuuya kissed Shuuji's cheek who joined them in their hugging session then he pulled away pointing at his brother.

"Sensei thought he was me again !"

"He thought he was me too !"

Mirai hushed after him chuckling at his mother kissing him.

"How come you never mix between us, mommy ?"

"Well, it is exactly because i am your mother, i would never mix between the two of you, my sweethearts ."

"But everyone else does ... even dad sometimes .."

They both glared back at their father who took a moment looking at their matching blue eyes, matching brown locks and matching uniforms before he pulls them away from their mother then pushes them towards their room.

"Go change your clothes now and don't touch anything before washing your hands ."

"Dad is so mean~"

"I will show you who is mean !"

Dazai acted like he was about to run after them making both of them run to their room in fear then he looked back at his wife who was grinning at the whole scene.

"Stop frightening them, they are just 8 .."

"You're the one who spoils them too much .. always neglecting me by the way ..."

She smiled at his pout as he had his arms around her waist not expecting her to stand on her toes pulling him down with her arms around his neck to give him a gentle kiss.

"Ah so you want me to treat you like a kid ? Okay then let's go change your clothes, sweety~"

She pulled him to their bedroom letting out a yelp once they were inside as he hugged her from behind slightly biting one of her ears.

"Won't you breastfeed me too, mommy~"

"Change your clothes on your own, you pervert !"

Chuuya pulled away getting irritated at his smirk and teasing before her sight wanders to her reflexion on the glass, she went closer taking a good look at her face with her hand making it's way to her cheek.

"Lately, i get exhausted without doing anything ... i look so pale .."

"You mean gorgeous~"

Dazai surprised her with a kiss on her cheek regretting it since he made her remember something he didn't want her to remember.

"Ah ! I hope you didn't forget to take the results of my tests to Yosano and hear what she has to say about them today ."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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