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Dazai figured it was morning at the light entering from the opened curtains, what confused him was the fact that he was on his own and the sounds coming from the kitchen weren't a good sign at all.

"What are you doing there first thing in the morning ?!"

His calm tone didn't last long at the ginger girl yelping in surprise and accidentally dropping a dish that shattered on the ground.

"I-i just thought i would-"

"Just get out before you cut yourself, weren't you able to wait till i wake up and get you something to eat ?"

"But i-"

Chuuya didn't get to carry on when Dazai pulled her out of the kitchen as he looked angry. She sat on the couch silently only pouting when he put her breakfast in front of her.

"What ? Aren't you going to eat ?"

"No ."

Dazai remembered her words from the previous day so he sat beside her then sighed.

"I will eat with you so you need to eat too ."

"You can eat on your own, i don't care ."

Dazai was starting to get tired from her behaviour, she can be the cutest in the world yet this doesn't make up for her horrible attitude.

"Then can you at least tell me why you are angry when i am supposed to be the angry one here ?"

"Because .."

Chuuya looked at him biting her bottom lip then deciding to say it all when he kept giving her that curious and confused look.

"Because i just wanted to prepare breakfast to thank you for taking me in and treating me so kindly but glad you stopped me because you don't deserve it !"

Dazai kept staring at her with wide eyes in awe, he wasn't expecting that answer but there was only question he could think of.

"How come you .. know how to cook ?"

"I learned by looking at my previous owners, that's all .."

"Her ears are moving again, she is nervous .. well adorable too .." he thought as he wondered why she wouldn't stare at him.

"If that's what you wanted then i guess i .. need to apologize, i am sorry for getting angry so eat now ."

"I don't accept your apologies ."


She surprised him when she suddenly leaned on him then looked up at him pushing her face closer to his.

"I don't accept your apologies unless you kiss me ."

Dazai stared at her closing her eyes slowly, he would give anything to know what she was thinking about or just- what she truly wanted but for now, he only did as he was told landing a soft yet fast kiss on her pink and tender lips not expecting her to keep her eyes closed and mutter.

"Do it again ."

Here was his heart beating faster and this wasn't good for him, not like he could just stop, even if he didn't want to admit it, he wanted to do it too. When she whispered "Again" he kissed her right away not thinking about it at all feeling so lame when he blushed at her suddenly licking his lips but he knew what she was asking for and here again, he didn't wait to seal their lips his arms making their way around her waist deepening the kiss this time as he pushed his tongue inside her mouth feeling a wave of warmth through his body at the soft moans she was letting out. Now he definitely had to stop it. 

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