Ali: tell me why?

Emily: I've been stressed with you and the girls I'm sorry!

Ali: first stop yelling cause I'm not. Were you high when you ducked her?

Emily: yes!! Is that what you want to here that I turned to drugs because of you!

Ali: god Emily look at you your shit I don't want you near the kids or I'm filing for custody of the girls!!

Emily: don't ok I'll get clean I swear please!!

Ali: you better cause there's no chance your seeing this baby if your not!

Emily: ok I will I swear and that's my last bag keep it!

Ali: I'm flushing this shit!

I start to feel a cramp oh shit she walks away.

Ali: babe!!

Emily: what what's wrong???

JoJo: she bleeding call 911!!

Ali: no please I can't lose it!

Emily: baby I need you to breath I'm sorry this is all my fault I shouldnt have cheated or stressed you out baby I'm sorry!

Ali: I know baby call Demi!!

Emily: ok baby we will when we get to the hospital.

Paul: the ambulance can't get throw the lot there's to much traffic!!

Emily: JoJo Demi is coming for the girls watch them. Ok baby look at me I'm going to carry you to the ambulance.

Ali: ok!

Emily: 1..2..3. You ok?!

Ali: just go please!!

She runs off Sam is yelling at us she runs to the door but it won't open fuck she bangs on it really hard she breaks it she runs down the lot she sees the ambulance they open the doors and take me in she comes in I can't let go of her hand for the life of me I'm too scarred.

Emily: baby breath think about how much fun the movie is going to be how happy you are going to be when the girls start daycare.

Ali: ok please don't leave me I love you I don't hate you I never did please stay with me in California!?

Emily: I'll go to the ends of the earth for you baby.

Nurse: were here!!

They get us out they roll me to a room they do so many test and they leave. Sam runs in.

Sam: hey I hope your ok?

Ali: yeah they haven't said anything but the cramping went away.

Sam: good take the week off to rest we'll do the scenes that your not in first.

Ali: thanks sorry.

Sam: don't be sorry get better Ali.

Paul: hey girl we all came to make sure your ok what did the doctor say?

Ali: nothing yet.

Demi: I feed the girls but there a little crabby.

There's a knock on the door the doctor comes in.

Doctor: so we did some test but I want to do an ultrasound to see.

Ali: ok.

I lift my shit he puts jell he moves the wand around he's looking really hard at the screen. I see him turn a nod then I hear the heart beat.

Emison Where stories live. Discover now