One Shot Number 8

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Word count: 2862

Bakugou’s dragon was what you'd call a hoarder. He kept everything Bakugou would allow him to. The thing the dragon treasured most was his teeth. Every time a tooth fell out, the dragon would shift into his human form, taking on the appearance of a boy around Bakugou’s age, with spiky, cherry-red hair and a dusting of freckles replacing the scales on his arms, shoulders, face, and back. He would walk over to the fallen tooth and pick it up with tears in his eyes.

“Bakugou,” he would whine. “It fell out.” He would cry and add it to his small bag of belongings until, one day, Bakugou got fed up.

“Give it to me,” he ordered when the latest tooth fell out, holding out his hand to take it.

“No! I’m not gonna let you get rid of it!” Kirishima exclaimed, holding the tooth to his chest.

“What? I’m not gonna get rid of it! Just give it to me!”

Reluctantly, Kirishima handed over his fallen tooth.  

Bakugou took the tooth and a piece of string from his bag and threaded the tooth onto the string. “Bring me the rest,” he said, adding beads to the necklace.

Kirishima scampered over to his bag of belongings and dragged the bag over to Bakugou, opening it and piling his teeth on the ground.

“Bakugou picked another tooth of similar size to add to the necklace, adding more beads and then another tooth. “C’mere,” he said to the dragon. Kirishima came over to him. “Turn around,” he commanded.

Kirishima shook his head ‘no.’ “It’s for you.”

“I’m not the one that’s so dam attached to his baby teeth. They’re your teeth.”

“Exactly, they’re my teeth. And I’m giving them to you.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“Oh, yeah. Sometimes I forget your not a dragon.”

“Forget I’m not a dragon? How the fuck do you forget someone isn’t a dragon?”

“I don’t know. I’m a dragon, so I just kinda assume everyone else is a dragon too. Like how you assume everyone that looks like a human is a human.”

“I don’t assume that!”

“You assumed I was a human.”

“What’s the deal with these fucking teeth?” Bakugou asked, changing the subject.

“Well, when a dragon gives a human its teeth, it means they trust them. If a dragon gives a human a lot of its teeth, it’s basically like the dragon claiming the person,” Kirishima said, a blush on his freckly face.

“Claim me? You wanna fucking claim me? I should be the one claiming you, you stupid scaley lizard,” Bakugou yelled.

Kirishima flinched. “That’s- that’s not what I meant.”

“Then what the fuck did you mean, Shitty-hair?” Bakugou was still yelling, a few explosions going off in his hands.

“I- I meant you’re m- my rider,” Kirishima whimpered shakily. He was curling in on himself and his entire body seemed to be shaking.

“I’m not your damn anything. You belong to me, you shitty lizard servant. You’re my fucking property you scaley-ass reptile. My god damn servant. You’re fucking mine.”

Bakugou’s face morphed. His normally fluffy, spiky hair flattened and darkened, and his eyes went from the deep crimson of blood to the sky blue of Kirishima’s previous captor. Neito Monoma.

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