Chapter 5 (Pt. 2) - Hoedown Throwdown

Start from the beginning

Jesus Christ, I thought to myself. What if Felix got a hold of my iPod? What of he listened to it and makes fun of me at dinner in front of my parents? What if Helix hates me because of it?

"Oh, by the way," Dad chimed in as poked his head back into my room and interrupted my thoughts, "if this room isn't clean by the time your uncle gets here tomorrow, you're grounded." He left once again.

After a while, I got up off my bedroom floor and changed my shirt that was covered in snot. I brushed my hair and removed the boogies and crusties from the corners of my eyes with a tissue. I kept worrying about what Felix was going to think of me and what I could do or say to make him think I'm not that lame. My name had no bearing on my personality. 

I made my way down to the kitchen. Mom and Dad were busy wrestling a knife from Kayla's sticky little demon fingers as she growled and hissed furiously. I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips as I watched Kayla throw Mom across the kitchen. When he smashed into the wall and fell to the floor with a thud, he looked up at me with anger in his eyes and screamed, "HELP!" 

I groaned with discontent. I ran and jumped on Kayla's back, causing her feeble 12 year old body to collapse to the ground under my massive Sasquatch body. I sat on her back as her arms and legs flailed as she tried to squirm out from under me. Mom crawled over and grabbed a hold of her wrist. I held back her other hand so she didn't gouge Dad's eyes out with her demon claws as he snatched the knife away from her. He grabbed a straight jacket and a muzzle out from under the kitchen sink. The three of us struggled to get  her into the jacket, but once we did, putting the muzzle on her wasn't too hard.

"We will take this stuff off of you when you start behaving," Dad said as he helped her up from the floor. He turned to me and looked at me with tired eyes. "I just don't know where I went wrong with this one." 

I shrugged my shoulders. "Not everyone's a winner," I replied.

Dad sighed heavily and led the way out the front door to the neighbor's house. I was in charge of making sure Kayla got there without a hitch. Mom knocked on the Kjellberg's door. I watched the sky turn a fiery shade of orange as the sun gently kissed the horizon, silently contemplating what my next actions would be and asking why it mattered to me so much if Felix liked me. After a moment, the door opened and I saw a familiar face smiling back at us. It was Helix. I could tell because his hair was parted slightly different from Felix's. I smiled at him, genuinely happy to see him. I remembered our encounter from earlier that morning, the pleasantness of it warming my body all over.

His smiling face contorted to one of concern when his baby blue eyes fell onto my sister who looked like she just escaped a mental asylum, which I wasn't too sure didn't happen. "Don't worry about her," Mom laughed nervously. "She's alright."

"She just bites a little," I remarked, earning a laugh from Helix and a death glare from my mom who snapped his head back so quickly I was surprised he didn't get whiplash. 

"Come on in, guys," Helix said, welcoming us into his home. "Dinner is almost ready."

We shuffled in, and he shut the door behind me. I looked back at him as I pushed my sister forcefully, making her walk forward so I could get out of the way from the door. Helix continued to smile at me, and I could swear his smile was getting wider with each passing second. We didn't break eye contact for the longest time until his chipper mother whisked into the living room from the kitchen. I was pulled out of whatever trance Helix was putting me in, and the delightful smell of Swedish meatballs wafted through, making its way into my unsuspecting nostrils. "That smells delicious," I remarked.

My parents didn't look as excited as I was about the meatballs. Helix must have noticed because he asked me about it. "They're both vegetarians," I whispered to him.

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