"Yip I know that. So how did the test go?"

"It went well, surprisingly. Must be due to my awesome tutor. When do you finish?"

"Must be! I write my last exam Tuesday."


"I think you're ready for advanced Maths next year, I'd tutor you again. It will be fun, don't you think we'd get to spend even more time together?" he sounded almost excited.

I couldn't help but feel sad when he said that, I wished I could share in his excitement. He noticed my sudden mood change and put his arms around me, I wanted to pull away, but it felt so good being in his arms.

"Hey? Are you nervous about attending the same school as that douche? I'd never let him touch you or even breathe in your direction."

"I need to tell you something Nicholas." I almost told him everything when we were interrupted by someone. 

"Nick, you up there? We need you man!" It was one of his mates from earlier yelling from below.

Nicholas looked annoyed; I couldn't help but think how handsome he looked with the annoyed expression on his face. "Dude I'm kind of busy here, go ask Tim."

"Tim is no where to be found man, we need you. Clint went too hard on shots and threw up all over the kitchen floor and we can't find anything to clean it up with."

He turned to me and took my chin in his hand. "Can we talk about this later?" He asked me.

"Yes, sure. I'll go find the girls."

He helped me down, hugged me and did something that almost stopped my heart ~ he kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry about the interruption Bee, I'll come find you when I'm done."

Me and the girls took a few shots, we even played beer pong with some of the other people at the party. Nicholas came back and asked if I wanted to dance, I gave him a hesitant look, but he wouldn't have it. He dragged me by my hand to the spot where everyone was dancing, the song that played was not the type of song I could dance to.

"Nicholas, I can't dance to this."

Just when he was about to say something the song changed to Wanted by Hunter Hayes, he smiled and curtsied holding out his hand. I laughed and took his hand, he pulled me closer, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Oh, this song was so good and dancing with Nicholas was another feeling I couldn't explain, very differently from dancing with Chase. It was as if our bodies were made for each other, and yeah, I know it sounds cliché but the way he held me and the way in which my body was reacting was out of this world.

The song ended and he lead me back to the tree house. When we were inside, he put his arms on the fence, caging me in-between his arms.

"You were going to tell me something?"

I was trying to come up with the exact words to tell him when he took my face in his hands and kissed me. I kissed him back, with everything I had. It felt so right, but the realty of a life without him hurt like hell. Tears fell down my cheeks, the image of him dead kept flashing in my mind, I pulled away. "No, we can't do this! We can't!"

He saw the expression on my face, and he looked mortified. "What's wrong, did I hurt you?"

He wiped my tears and I tried to turn away  but he took my face in his hands gently, making me look up at him. "Nicholas please understand, whatever this is has to end here and now!"

"I know you've been hurt in the past. But I promise, I am not him. These last couple of months having had the pleasure of getting to know you and spending time with you, was hands down the best part of my life. I love you Shelby Becks."

Blinded by their betrayalWhere stories live. Discover now