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August 20, 2028

" Mackenzie!" Maddie called." What?!" I asked annoyed of her screaming.

" We are going to be late. They are waiting for us. Let's go." Maddie said. We head inside the car and drove off to a fancy restaurant.

Why are we going to a fancy restaurant? It's because of Carson and Brynn's first year anniversary of being married.

" Girls, do I look ok?" Mom asked, Maddie and I chuckled." You look great mom." Maddie and I complimented parking in front of the restaurant.

As we get inside we were greeted by the one and only power couple.
" Brynn!" I screamed causing everyone to look at me.

Brynn looked at me with wide eyes before laughing. I run quickly to her and hugged her tight.

" I missed you so much!" We both said at the same time." How's the year of being a wife?" I asked.

" It's fun, until your husband will go home every Friday night smelling like an alcohol." Brynn rolled her eyes gesturing Carson.

" I told you we were having Friday night fun." Carson said kissing Brynn's cheek.

" Maybe we should sit." Carson said. They led us to a table with some familiar friends while mom went to talk to Brynn's parents.

" Guys, you remember Kenzie and Maddie." Carson introduced as they all nodded. We seat around the table and chatted when Brynn grinned getting up excusing herself.

She came back with 3 other guests.
" Sorry we're late." That voice, it sounds familiar. I've heard it before.

I turned around and our eyes widened." Johnny/Kenzie?" We both asked in unison.

" Oh great. You still know each other." Brynn said." Know each other? Yeah we know each other. We're married by accident!" I exclaimed and all their jaws dropped.

" I think we should sit this first." Brynn said as they all sat down.
" What did you just say?" Maddie asked.

" When Carson and Brynn got married. We went to a bar that night, we got drunk, and we didn't realized we got married that night. By Bryce. Who's now dead." I explained.

" Whaaaaaaaaaa." Carson said confused." Wha-how?! I don't get it." He said.

" Maybe there's someone that witnessed it. We can find him." William said.

" Dominick! Dominick Klein! Bryce's Secretary. I remember him." Johnny said.

" Do you have the number?" I asked.
" Yes. Of course. I'll contact him." He said and excused himself and went outside.

He came back dissapointed. I stood up.
" What did he say?" I asked.
" He's not answering. " He said and sighed.

" Do you know anyone who can contact him? " Carson asked But Johnny shook his head no.

" Don't worry, I'll help you find him." Brynn said turning to Carson who nodded.

" Will and I can help too. " Lauren offered." Me too." Maddie said. I nodded and gave them a grateful smile.

falling all in you. [jenzie]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu