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September 1, 2028

As Lauren finished packing her stuff she came to my room and helped me pack my stuff for our trip, she looked at me." John... do you really want to help her?" Lauren asked. I looked at  her then gave her a small smile.

" I can't help." I said." Remember John. She's getting married." Lauren said." I know. What else can I do? It's forever, she said it herself... I can't give her the forever she wants anyway." I said then continued packing my things.

" Hey Lolo, Hey Juan." William said as he entered the room." Hey." Lauren and I greeted as Lauren kissed him." Are you guys done?" William asked." Almost." I said.

" John, one more question. Did you already tell her the truth?" She asked. I sighed and shook my head." Your time is limited and you chose to lie to her instead of telling the truth." William said.

" It's just... I don't know how... I can't find... the right time." I said. They just nodded." We understand, but sooner or later, she needs to know." William said then I nodded and continued packing.

" Anyways, Kenzie, Brynn, and Carson are on their way to the airport." William said as we head down." Bye Mom and Dad." We said before leaving.

As we arrived at the airport some fans who saw us asked us for pictures so we said yes." Hey guys." Brynn, Carson, and Kenzie greeted.

I waved at them then smiled." The plane is about to leave. Let's go." Carson said.

We all nodded and head inside the plane and sat on our seats. Funny how Kenzie and I sat  next to each other.

" Chips?" I asked as I opened a bag of lays. She smiled and took one." Don't be shy, get more." I said.

She chuckled and took the whole bag.
" Not that much!" I said taking the bag of chips back as she laughed.

We heard Lauren and William from my side, shushed as they pointed to Kenzie's side where Carson and Brynn were cuddling as they sleep.

We all awed. Kenzie and I looked at each other and finally calmed down.
The whole ride was fun.

Kenzie and I just watched a movie and talk. When we arrived at Hawaii, we head out of the airport.

" Go call Nicka and tell her we're here." Kenzie said as she sat down on a bench.

" Kenz, we're gonna go over there, we'll be right back." Brynn said." Ok." Kenzie said then Brynn, Carson, Lauren, and William smiled before leaving.

I tried contacting Nicka but the phone said she cannot be reached. I sat down and dialed her number again, but it's no use.

" What did she say?" Kenzie asked. I shook my head." Her number's cannot be reached." I said. She sighed.

We rented two cabins, one for the girls, one for the boys." Alright, we'll see you girls later for dinner. We'll go unpack our things." Carson said.

The girls nodded." Johnny, thank you for joining me on finding Dominick." Kenzie said.

" No problem. You guys should go and rest." I said then she smiled before following Brynn and Lauren inside the cabin.


As the girls and I unpacked our things, Brynn and Lauren sat down on my bed.

" Kenzie, did you tell Isaak already?" Brynn asked." No, I told him we're here to see of this is perfect for our destination wedding... that's what his family wants." I said.

" Why can't you just tell him already? It's better if you say it first before he finds out on his own." Brynn said.

" Brynn's right." Lauren said." Believe me, I tried. Remember at the after party of your wedding? I got drunk and told him as soon as possible... As he looked at me, I felt like I was sentenced to death... He looked so disappointed." I said.

" I don't wanna feel that way again... So I'm gonna fix this first." I said." So in that case, you're not allowed to make mistakes again?" Lauren asked.

" Isaak just wants what's better for me." I said." What If you guys already got married and you made more mistakes? Do you really need to be perfect for the rest of your life?" Lauren asked.

" For the last time I checked, in marriage. In the vows, there's for Better or for Worse.... what happened for the worse?" Brynn asked.

" It's hard right? Kenzie, in marriage, it's not only about love... it's about acceptance of the flaws you both have." Brynn said.

" For example, when me and Carson first met... We didn't really loved each other... in fact, we hated each other... but as days and years goes by, we fell in love, sure, we fight some times... but it's part of being in a relationship. That's why I learned to love his flaws... nobody's perfect in this world." Brynn said.

" And you're not perfect, neither Isaak. He's not that perfect even if you defend him from the world." Brynn said.

" You understand?" Brynn asked hugging me from behind, I nodded.
Lauren and I smiled at each other.

" I'll go take a shower, so we can meet the boys for dinner." Lauren said heading inside the bathroom leaving me and Brynn.

" Are you and Carson gonna do it here?" I asked out of nowhere. Brynn laughed as she lied down on my bed.

" Are you? Please? I really want to have a niece." I said cuddling with her." Why don't you tell Maddie?" Brynn asked.

" Maddie's single as hell." I said and Brynn chuckled." Maybe." Brynn said. I sat up and looked at her with a smile.

" Wait, really?!" I asked in excitement." Just kidding." Brynn said. I threw a pillow on her stomach.

" Ouch, Kenz, are you trying to kill my baby?!" Brynn asked placing her hand on her stomach." Wait what?!" I asked, shocked and regretting what I just did.

Brynn started laughing." Just kidding. I'm not pregnant." Brynn laughed." I hate you!" I yelled chasing her with a pillow as she run around the cabin.

" What's going on?" Lauren asked as she just came out from taking a shower.

" Brynn you scared the living hell out of me!" I screamed. Brynn kept laughing as I chased her.

" Woah!" Lauren ducked as I almost hit her with my pillow." Sorry!" I said then Brynn opened the door as the boys stood outside.

She hid behind Carson then laughed again." What's going on?" Carson asked." Kenzie's chasing me with a pillow." Brynn said.

Carson laughed." Let's go out for dinner." He said. We all nodded so we head out and went to a restaurant for dinner.

Hey guys. I made an extra account. It's @DVLCASSYWP_2. Go check it out and make sure to follow. I'll be following everyone who follows that account. And STREAM Everybody Wants You this midnight. Peace!

falling all in you. [jenzie]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora