-Chapter 9-

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I eye of the last boy. The oldest. The fastest. The strongest. The meanest. The deadliest. Then his head spins to my direction, but his hat shades out his eyes so I can not tell If he is looking at me or not. In my branch, my heart jumps. "I can see you." And you have 5 seconds to run." He then picks up a knife and I jump fro the tree and run. I keep running. I can har his footsteps coming closer and closer.  I run into a narrow cave, he follows me be once he is in there he stops running and walks towards me and that is when I realise that I had hit a dead end. I turn around to face him as he walks towards me knife in hand, like the predator that he is.

He puts one hand on my shoulder, pinning me to the bumpy cave wall. His warm breath hits my left cheek and warms up my face. With the other had he puts the knife to my throat and forcefully pushes me down so that I am laying on the ground. Then he pins me down to the floor and I can hear my heart beating so fast. I stop shivering, his body heat on mine warms me up. And I know that it is bad to admit it, but I like it. He then picks up the knife and says one thing. "Beg." I start screaming and crying. "Pease don't! Please don't kill me! Please!" With every word he bring the knife closer and closer to my neck. But as I scream I have a thought. Maybe dying is the best thing for me, what life am I going to have if he does not kill me? Hell, what life have I ever had? But for some reason I keep crying, I keep begging, I keep putting on a show for him, giving him the satisfaction he wants. And I know he likes it and feels empowered because even in the low light of the cave I can see a metallic hunters knife and an evil smirk.

He hovers the knife right above my neck. "I would like to thank you for getting rid of my competition. Now you are all mine. I stop screaming buy I am still crying and squirming. "You know what? You are to entertaining to kill. I am going to use you for something else." He grins. He drops the knife on the ground and picks me up and takes me. I am still screaming, trying to get out of his grip, but nothing I try works. Then he puts me down and I see his fist in my face. Then the sudden radiation of pain. And then feel myself collapsing.

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