Ace handled the customers ordering gas while Jacob and Vince checked people out who bought food and beverages.


Lunch for the guys rolled around pretty quick and they had their die out to see who would go out and get everyone lunch.

Ace rolled a 3 , so he was automatically out.

Jacob rolled a 5 and Vince rolled a 2.

"Awe hell." Jacob slapped his thighs, pushing himself up out of his seat.

"Yo gone get me some lo-mein." Ace rubbed his hands together with a smile.

"And I want that shrimp fried rice with chicken." Vince playfully winked with a satisfied smirk.

"Aight, ill be back. Big ole pussies." Jacob took off running. Ace stomped at him and he and Vince shared a laugh.

"That boy is a complete fool." Vince shook his head.

"Tell me about it. Hello, will that be all?" Ace went to cashing out a customer.

Vince went back to the window and gave people the cigarettes and whatever else small things they desired from behind the counter.

Business had slowed down, people were not feeling the heat so they came up to the window to order their gas and smokes.

"Man where this nigga at? I'm about hungry as shit." Ace rubbed his stomach.

The chime on the door went off and in walked Jacob with some girl who looked to still be in college.

He handed Vince the food and he and the girl caked up in the corner.

"Take that shit from behind my damn counter. Matter-a-fact take that shit out my store. You mad close to being fired with this sloppy ass shit. Picking up hookers and shit." Ace shooed them away.

The girl stopped and slapped her hand on her non existent hip. She had hella ass but the thighs didn't match.

"I'm not a hooker!"

"Then stop acting like one. You don't know this muhfucka from a can of piss and you ready to ride him like a damn bull. Get it together lil girl, ya look no older than 16." Vince stated.

"I'm 18 and grown. Don't be mad cause nobody fine like me wanna fuck you." She flipped her curly Brazilian weave but her leave out was from Africa.

"Little girl, gone out this store. I'm trying to stay respectful now." Vince shook his head.

Jacob grabbed the girl and headed outside.

"I'mma have to let that nigga go, family or not." Ace shook his head.

"He thinks this shit a joke and that he can do whatever he wants." Vince shook his head.


After a long day at work, Vince was more than happy to walk into his home and smell the delicious home cooked meal his wife prepared for her family.

Walking towards the kitchen, he seen Jabari and Jaliyah doing their homework and Jazmine holding Raine on her hip as she wined her hips to the beat of her music.

"Daddy!" Raine jumped from her mom's arms and ran to Vince who swung her into the air, throwing and catching her earning a series of loud giggles and slobber to the face.

"Hey stanka butt." He put her on his shoulders after kissing her forehead.

Walking over to Jaliyah and Jabari, he hugged and kissed their foreheads before making his way to his wife who just happened to be pulling the chicken out of the oven... Bending down.

Pushing himself into her, she squealed before standing straight and setting the pan down on the stovetop.

"Hey beautiful." He pecked her lips.

"Hey, you better stop playing with me. Gone wash up and I'll make your plate." Jazmine shooed him.

Everyone went to go wash their hands while Vince went to take a quick shower.

When he was out and dressed, Jazmine had his plate in the oven to keep warm while everyone else ate.

Coming to the table, he said his grace and joined in on the conversation of how everyone's day went.

"Mommy, can I call my dad?" Jaliyah asked before scooping some mashed potatoes into her mouth.

"Of course, why wouldn't you be?" Jazmine wiped her mouth.

"I guess he is mad at me. He hasn't texted me or called me since I've been here." Jaliyah looked down.

"Baby don't worry yourself, we can call him after we clean up the kitchen.

Jazmine and Vince exchanged a look and went back to eating.

"I hate him." Jabari blurted.

"Ohh bad word!" Raine pointed at her brother.

"I'm sorry Raine." He kissed her cheek.

"Why would you say that boy?" Vince set his fork down.

"He doesn't care about us, he does what he wants! He not our daddy! You are!" Jabari slapped his balled fist against the table as tears fell from his eyes.

"Is that how you feel Jaliyah?" Vince turned to her.

The table was silent. She looked down as tears slipped from her eyes and she looked at her brother who hugged her.

"Yes, he doesn't care about us. He does whatever he wants. I don't like him but I love him because he is my dad."

"I'll go ahead and bathe Raine." Jazmine put her food in a to-go box to finish later and got Raine to go take a bath. Her emotions were getting the best of her. What has Dave done?


Sitting in the beach chair watching the girls run past in bikinis with their titties bouncing and ass giggling North South East and West, Dave was content with life.

He had a week off from responsibilities and he was living his life up before he had to go back to being a parent.

"Boy this is the life." He bit his lip as he watched a woman with curly black weave, wide hips, gigant breast, skin the complexion of 6 pm in the south during fall/ winter months and big hazel eyes make her way to him.

Sitting up, the woman stopped before him and smiled.

"Aren't you Dave East?" She smiled.

He lifted his buckethat and licked his lips.

"I thought it was you. You know I've always said if I ever saw you, I would suck the soul out ya dick. You got a hotel room?" She bit her bottom lip as she became wet.

"Fuck a hotel room I got a SUV, what you tryna do?"

"Let's go." She smiled. He got up and led her towards his Escalade.

Climbing in the backseat, he let the seats back and she got to business, unbeknown to them, cameras were secretly flashing and recording all around them.

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