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"Are you guys busy at all today?" Itsuki asks. He came out of no where.

"I'm not." I tell him.

"I'm sorry. I'm spending the rest of the day with Koichi. What did you need us for?" Riku asks.

"I wanted to take you guy out to eat or something. Guess it'll just be Kumi and I. But you could bring Koichi if you'd like. Or if he wants to." He says.

"I'll ask him. Maybe he'll say yes. I'll text you later about it." She said. Itsuki nods his head. He then sits down on the chair next to me. Then he takes some of my food.

"What did I feel you last time. I already have to deal with her stealing my food. Why do I all of a sudden have to deal with you now?" I pout, folding my arms.

"Yeah Itsuki. It's my job to eat her food. Not yours." Riku says, taking a bit of my food. I slap her arm. She continues to laugh.

"Sorry. I'm really hungry. I didn't eat breakfast." He said.

"Did you wake up late?" I ask.

He nods his head. "I had my alarm set and everything. I still woke up half an hour later, almost late to class. And I completely forgot my lunch money on the counter. So I have nothing to eat." He said.

"Here." I say, handing him some money. "Buy yourself food. Just make sure to pay me back later." I tell him.

He takes the money and stares at it with a smile. "You're such and angel. God bless you. Thank you." He says, kissing my cheek than running for the cashier. I watch as he waits in line. He couldn't stop jumping. He continued to jump and look over everyone's shoulder that was in front of him. "Are you two dating?" Riku asks.

I shake my head. "No, just friends. And that's all I see him as." I tell her. She nods her head.

"Hello beautiful." Koichi says, coming up behind her and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. He then sits down next to her, hanging his arm around her. "Hi there." I turn around to see Daichi. I smile at him as he sits down next to me. Itsuki then comes back and sits down on the other seat across from me.

"Thank you for lunch, Kumi. I definitely owe you one. Like later. I'll take you out to eat. Anything you want?" He asks.

"Maybe some of the most popular ramen in town." I say.

"That means we're going to Issei after school." He shouts. We laugh quietly and pull him down onto his seat. Such a weird kid. "Do you know what time it is?" I ask Daichi.

He looks down at his watch. "It'll be two o'clock in like ten minutes." He says.

"Crap. I need to get to class. I'll see you guys later. And I'll see you after school Itsuki. Bye guys." I say, before running outside and to my class.

"Here are your two ramens." Issei says, handing us our bowls of ramen.

"Thanks Issei." I said, smiling up at him.

"No problem." He says, running back behind the counter.

"Why did you come up to us earlier during lunch and ask us to take us out? Is there a special day coming up or something?" I asks.

"Nope, just felt like it. You two are good friends. I just felt the need to take you both out to eat or something. I just wanted to spend one with you both." He said.

"Aww, look how cute you're being." I said, leaning over and pinching his cheeks. He tries to slap my hand away, but I keep trying to pinch his cheeks.

"Ugh, now I know how you feel when I pinch your cheeks." He says. I laugh. We continue to eat, talk, and laugh with each other. Sometimes even Issei will pop up in the conversation.

"Umm, Kumi." He says. I look up at him. He seemed more shy and awkward. It's like his confidence went away. "There-theres something I've been wanting to tell you for a while but, I've always been keeping it myself. But, I really want to tell you now." He says, with a serious expression. He's never this serious.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I-I like-"

He doesn't finish his sentence. The door to the restaurant blasts open. And enters Daichi, breathing heavily. "Daichi, What are you doing here? And why are you so tired?" I ask.

"My..my mom wa...wanted ramen. And...and I this was the best place I could think of to get her some. Plus, it's going to rain soon, and I forgot my umbrella. So I need to be quick. So, three ramens to go please, Issei." Daichi says. It did seem like he was in a rush. His feet were tapping rapidly on the floor. And he'd check his watch every few seconds.

"Three ramens coming right up." Issei says.

"Why three? I thought you were only getting one for you mom?" I asks.

"My mom, my dad, and I know I'm going to be hungry when I run back home." He says.

"Are all the trains closed?" Itsuki asks.

Daichi nods his head. "Something happened and no one can seem to get out of town or anything. So I need to be quick and hopefully not spill the ramen while I'm running back home." He says.

"Just don't get sick." I tell him.

"I'll be alright. Just make sure that you make it home safely." He says, rubbing my head. I laugh with him. My heart was beating so fast right now. What is he doing to me?

"Your ramens are ready." Issei says, handing the bags of ramen to Daichi. Daichi takes the bags. "Thanks. I'll see you guys tomorrow." He says.

"Bye Daichi." I say, as he walks out the door. I turn back to Itsuki. "What was it that you wanted to tell me?" I ask.

"Huh, oh. Oh, I forgot I guess. Hopefully I remember next time. By then I'll tell you." He says, giving me a weak smile. I smile back at him.

"You two should get going? It's about to rain. And I don't see any of you with an umbrella. So you two should run home. And hurry up." Issei says.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow Issei." I say, as the two of us get up from our seats. We walk out the door and start running home. Halfway through the run, it started to rain. But we made it home before the rain got harder.


What's up. I'm having a good weekend. And I hope all of you are too. Here's another chapter. I'll update tomorrow. Or maybe tonight. It'll probably depend. But I'll see you soon.

Bye my friends :)

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