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I watched her the whole night. The way she laughed. The way she smiled. Everything about her tonight just made my heart beat. I don't know why though.

She continued to jump around on the table with the other four as they sang random songs. Even they sang in a different language they, the messed up big time. If they sang a Japanese song, they still messed up big time. But they didn't care. But seeing her so happy made me smile.

The song finished. She hopped off the table, stumbling a little bit. I stood up quickly, catching her before she fell. She didn't care that she almost fell off the table. She was to drunk to care. She laughed it off. I guess she's the laughing kind of drunk. "Are you feeling ok?" I ask her.

She gives me a thumbs up. "Just tired." She says, leaning her head against my shoulder. She was so close to falling asleep.

"Riku!" I call out. She turns around and walks towards me. "She's pretty drunk. I think I'm should walk her home." I said.

"I think you should. Plus, Koichi's pretty drunk as well. I think I need to take him home as well." She says. I nod my head. "I'll stay here a little longer with these two. But I'll see you later. Here's the keys to the apartment." She says, handing them to me. I take them.

"Bye Riku." I said. I help Kumi up. I wrap my arm around her waist, hoping she doesn't fall. She continues to giggle, and stumble every ten seconds as we walk.

"You seem happy." I said. She still giggles. I laugh at myself. Why talk to a drunk person? She won't remember.

"I'm just having fun." She says. I smile at her. She stumbles again, almost falling to the floor. But I catch her in time. I pull her closer to my chest, hugging her tightly. If she's wasn't so drunk maybe she could hear my heartbeat. "I think it's best if I just carry you. It'll also be a lot more easier and faster." I said. I take off my jacket and wrap it around her waist. I then carry her bridal style the rest of the way to her apartment.

I try my best to be super careful when walking up the stairs. I reach her door and try my best to open the door. After I get the door open, I walk inside and find her room. I put her on her bed and cover her other her blankets. I sat there for about ten minutes, just admiring her. She was pretty, cute, nice, funny. I get along with her well.  My heart starts to beat rapidly. And I could also hear it getting louder. Is she doing this to me? She can't be. I've only ever saw her as a friend.

I sit next to her for about ten more minutes thinking to myself. But I also admire her as well. I smile at how peaceful she sleeps. She won't feel so well tomorrow morning. I know that for sure.

I finally decided that it's time for me to go. I get up from the ground and walk towards the door. I stop, then look back at her. I smile at myself before leaving.

I continue to walk home. But she was in my mind the whole time. Do I have feelings for her? I doubt she still even likes me. Maybe it's best I try to push these feelings away and ignore them.

Halfway towards the walk, I see Itsuki. He was a bit tipsy, but not that much. He wasn't as bad as Kumi. But he was still drunk. I walk past him. He then speaks up, causing me to stop in my tracks. "Riku's told me some stuff about you." He said. I don't talk. I don't bother to look back at him. I don't know if I should. This doesn't sound like it's going to be a friendly conversation.

"She told me what you did to Kumi. Back when you guys were in high school. Yet, Riku still wants you two to end up together for some reason." Nope. This isn't going to be good. "I know you like, Kumi. It's obvious, but not to her. And I can tell she likes you too. But I like her too." I don't respond. I don't turn back to look at him. But he was clearly drunk. But not drunk enough to forget this conversation in the morning. As for me, I'm completely sober.

"You've hurt her once already. I'm not going to let her get hurt again because of you. I'll win her over, that's for sure." He says. It goes silent. And I can hear his footsteps walking away.

"Yes." I say. The sound of his footsteps stop. "Yes, I like her." I said, turning back around to face him.

"And just know, I'm not stupid enough to make the same mistake I made when in high school. And I'm not letting her go. So you could try to win her over. But she's all mine." I said, turning back around, and walking home.


I'm still sick and I'm still dying. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And I'll probably update on Sunday. Goodnight everyone.

Bye my friends :)

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