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I'm in class doing work, than I hear something outside. I look out the window to see it's raining. Oh god, I didn't even bring and umbrella today. I didn't even know it was supposed to rain.

When class had ended, I looked out the glass door, I could see people outside either holding an umbrella, not needing to worry about a single drop of rain falling onto them. And there were people who were either holding up their bags or jackets over their heads. I might as well be one of them. And I wish I had brought warmer clothes too. I was wearing a oversized gray long sleeved shirt and a black skirt. This wasn't the best outfit for this weather. But I'm already wearing it. I can't change it. I probably should've brought a jacket as well too. Why did I not bring one it the first place? I'm so stupid.

Before I can open the door, I feel something being draped around me. I turn around to see Daichi. "What are you doing?" I ask, as he puts his jacket over me.

"It's raining and it's cold. And you don't even have an umbrella with you." He says.

"How do you know that?"

"You were about to walk out in the rain. And you have no umbrella in your hand. And you're not even wearing a jacket. So take the jacket. You need it more than I do." He says, walking out the door. My heart is beating rapidly. I hate that he's still doing this to me. I want him to just leave me alone.

"I'm home." I say, dropping my bag onto the floor. I walk to the living room and throw myself onto the couch. I feel so lazy today.

"Hey, Issei came by earlier. He brought ramen for the both of us. I already ate mine though." Riku says.

"Ok. I'm gonna take a shower. I'll eat it when I come out." I said, standing up from the couch.

"Ok. Wait, whose jacket it that?" She asks. I look down: I'm still wearing Daichi's a jacket. I completely forgot about it. "It's Daichi's jacket. I forgot my umbrella and a jacket. So he let me borrow it." I said.

"Hm, okay." Is all she said. I walked to my room, taking my jacket off and dropping it onto my chair. I go to the bathroom and hop in he shower. Than drying my hair and getting changed into some comfortable clothes. I than go to the kitchen and grab some of the ramen. I then walk to the couch and sit next to Riku. "Do you still like Daichi?" She asks. I choke on the ramen. Why did she ask that? "No, I don't like him anymore. And I never will again. I'm over it. It's been a year now too. So of course I'm over him." I say.

"If you do fall for him again, all I'm gonna say is that I told you so." She chuckles. I kick her side. She groans in pain. "It'll never happen. Not in a million years. So shut up and let's watch the movie." I say, throwing a pillow on top of my legs. I hate her so much. But I also love her at the same time.

"Calm down Riku! Wait! Hey, that's mine!" I said. We were both eating lunch together, and every once in a while she'd take a bit of my food. I hate it when she does that.

"But I'm still really hungry. I need more food." She said, reaching over for more of mine. I push her arm away. "No, this is mine. And I'm hungry too." I said.

"Hey guys." We stop fighting with each other. We see Itsuki holding his tray of food and smiling at the two of us. "You guys seem to be having a good lunch. Mind if I join?" He asks.

"Sure." I said smiling at him.

He takes the seat in front of us. "So, how is college life for you guys so far?" He asks.

"It's great for me. I love it here. And all the food as well. And there are so many cute guys here." Riku says.

"But she decided to still stick with Uehara." I point out. She slaps my arm. Itsuki chuckles. "I do like it here though. This school is great. Plus, I've made so new friends in a few of my classes. They're pretty great."

Itsuki smiles, then turns to me. "What about you, Kumi? How do you like it?" He asks. I think back to all the encounters with Daichi. How awkward most of them were, and how much I hated it. I really wish they never happened.

"It's good I guess. Just a few things that are going on. But I like it. Only difference is that the only friend I've made is you. I really need to make new friends. I'm getting more lonely as the days go on." I said.

"Don't worry. Me and you can hand out together if you're ever bored or lonely. I'll keep you company." Itsuki smiles at me.

"I'd rather hang out with a tree." I joke. He pouts at me. "So rude." He says in a baby voice. I could help but laugh.

"I'm kidding. I'd love to hag out with you. But not right now because I have to get to class now. I'll see you guys later." I said, grabbing my bag.

"Ok, I'll see you at home."

"Later, Kumi."

I walk down the stairs heading to class. My foot suddenly gives up in me as I take another step. I'm about to fall, but someone catches me. I look up at the person. It was Daichi. "Are you ok?" He asks, with a worried expression.

I step away from him awkwardly. "Uh Yeah. I just fell. I'm alright though. And thank you." I said.

"It's not problem. Just be carful." He says. I nod my head.

"Oh, I forgot. Here's your jacket. I don't need it anymore." I say, taking it out of my bag and handing it to him.

He takes the jacket, than starts to laugh a little bit. "Wh-why are you laughing?" I ask.

"Nothing much. Just remembering the last time I let you borrow my jacket. You were outside my class with Riku. It was the day you got splashed by that car. Remember that?" He asks.

I think back to that memory. I remember it alright. I had just gotten off of work. Crossed the street, and an idiot not only splashed me, but everyone else around me. Daichi suddenly came and lended me his jacket, even though I told him that I didn't need it. But this was the time before I liked it. "Yeah." I said quietly.

"Only difference is that we're in a new school, and you didn't hesitate to take it this time." He smiles at me. I nod my head lightly. "I should get going." I said, walking down the stairs. Why does he even want to talk about this? I don't want to talk about anything that had happened.


Hi, my finals start on Tuesday. And wanna one is disbanding in like two weeks. And I'm going to kill myself because of it. Well...I'll cry, than kill myself.

But hope everyone's had a good day. Update soon.

Be my friends :)

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