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"Wake up!!! It's the weekend!!!" Riku shouts, jumping on my bed.

"Get off." I said, pushing her off the bed and her falling onto He floor. She groans in pain. "You're such a loser." I said, taking the blankets off me and sitting up.

"What do you want to do today?" She sits in front of me, wide awake with hair all messy. I look over at my alarm clock. Eight thirty. Why so early!!

"You can do whatever you want, I'm going back to sleep." I said laying back down. She grabs my arm and pulls my back up. I hate her.

"Let's go it for a bit. Maybe the mall, out to eat, go to the movies. Anything, as long as we're not in here. Hey, maybe we can invite Itsuki." She says, smiling.

"Seven only just moved here, let's not bother him already. Plus, I have work today. But we can spend the next few hours doing whatever you want." I said.

"YAAAY!!!!! Let's go out to the mall." She says.

"Ok, but we're not going to take Itsuki. I don't want to bother him. Plus, he's probably busy anyways." I said.

"You're right. Well, get dressed. We're going shopping." She says, hopping off my bed and going straight to her room.

I get up from bed and take a quick shower, brushing and drying my hair right after, the brushing my teeth. I then went to my closet and grabbed my clothes. A navy/white plaid pleaded high waisted skirt, then grabbing a light blue long sleeve shirt. I go into the living room and wait for Riku to finish Getty dressed. She finally finishes and we start walking to the mall. This is gonna suck.

"Can we take a break? We've been walking for about two hours now, my legs need a break." I said, carrying the four large bags of clothes, shoes, and even makeup. The makeup was for her. And some of the shoes. And most of these clothes are mine. But does she really have to make me carry all of these.

"Don't be such a baby. Here, I'll carry two bags." She said, taking two of the large bags from me.

"Thank you." I said. My fingers were honestly hurts omg from the sting holding all of our stuff. I really can't wait to just go home. Oh wait, I still have work after this. Oh wait, I have work in like twenty minutes!! "I gotta go home and get dressed Riku, I need to get to work. I'll drop off these bags at the house. Is that alright with you?" I asked.

"Sure, make sure to bring me some ramen though. I'm gonna be really hungry later." She said.

"Sure. Later." I said, before running off out of the mall and back home. I reach the exit,  it really look at it though. I was looking at the floor, like always.

Someone had opened the exit door, making me bump into it. I fall to the floor, rubbing the spot on my head that I hit. "Ouch." I groan.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen." The male voice says.

"No, it's alright, I wasn't watching where I was going." I said, grabbing my hinges from He floor and standing up. I look at the male, standing in front of me. I stop what I'm doing as I look at the familiar face.

"H-hi Kumi." He said, awkwardly.

"Hi..Daichi." I said, looking down at my feet awkwardly. Why does this have to happen now? Why am I still like this after a year. I could feel met heart beating rapidly. Why is it doing that? Why? I don't like this.

He's about to speak, but I cut him off. "I gotta go. I have work." I said, opening the doors quickly and running out. Why are all these feelings all of a sudden coming back? Why are all these memories coming back? I don't want this?

It's a short chapter, but next one soon. Hope everyone's having a good week so far.

Bye my friends :)

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