8- Fire, air, water, and earth bender. Who would get what element?

Prince Gal: 🌺 Because of my adventurous side. Plus, without earth, what would fire be? *thinking about Princey*

Meghan: 💨 Because I am the most calm out of all of us. (Jilly: Without earth, air wouldn't exist. They need each other, like you and Loga---) Shut up! This is not about our crushes! I never pestered you about your crushes! Please give me the same courtesy!

Depression: 🔥 Because I am fierce. (Prince Gal: And opposites DO attract. *Referring to Anxiety*)

Nostalgia: And I get 🌊! Cause what is the ocean without windy waves? *Thinking about Morality*

9- Favorite Social Media?
Nostalgia: Facebook!

Prince Gal: Tik Tok.

Meghan: Pinterest.

Depression: Tumblr. Unlike Anxiety, Jilly didn't know what MySpace was until it died.

10- Nostalgia - Repeat after me Adulthood.
Nostalgia: Adulthood.


Nostalgia: A. DULT. HOOD. (Jilly:Nice|Meghan: Name what people usually refer to the road to adulthood.) Adultery! (Meghan and Jilly: No)

11- Core - What do you do to relax after a rough day?
Prince Gal: I walk around the block with my headphones in listening to Disney music.

Meghan: I read. Jilly usually has me reading any Harry Potter book.

Nostalgia: I eat a bag of Skittles, and if and when I feel dangerous, eat a second bag.

Depression: I lay on my bed listening to my music. Sometimes staring into space, asking myself questions, like 'what is the point, of life?’.(Jilly: ‘Press I was feeling good today, girl.)

12- What was...Jilly's most embarrassing moment?
Meghan: Nice try, but it is not ladylike to spread such intel.

Prince Gal: I don't want to make you feel exposed. That is seriously the worst thing to experience.

Depression: If I start to talk about it I'll start to have an anxiety attack, so I'll keep my trap shut. (Jilly: AWW. Thanks gir-)

Nostalgia: They fell down in Fitness Choir like a cartoon character! (Wow.|Messed it up.|So close|Always messing it up.) It's kind of funny if you think about it! A cartoon character! (Jilly: Kind of weird considering the fact that the author did that today because they had no anxiety then.)

13- Favorite Bands?
Depression: Evanescence and P!ATD.

Meghan: Podcast.

Prince Gal: Adele. She was honored by Prince Charles when she received the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 2013.

Nostalgia: I usually listen to the Rainbow Colors song from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on repeat. (Jilly:Okay. Well, only one of you named bands.|Depression: 😉)

14- Depression - Can you name one nice thing about the other core sides and Jilly?
Depression: Oh my. Mum, you can make Knowledge blush, and that is adorable to see, even though you are still a clueless b*tch the rest of the time. (Nostalgia: Okay, sweety.) Meg, you are Jilly's understanding of reality, and that is very comforting, but you are still an ignorant b*tch most of the time. (Meghan: How dare ya.) Prince Gal, I gotta say, you do impress me… by being an appealing b*tch ALL the time. (Prince Gal: Well, you could have rephrased that more nicely.) And Jilly, you are the first to accept me into the group, and that is greatly appreciated, but you are still a simple b*tch for dragging me out of my room every time I don't appear. (Jilly: Okay. That was the best thing you have said to me all chapter. 😻)

15- Meghan - Spock or Data? And why?

Meghan: Data. Spock is half human with a lot of emotions going around in his mind. Data has no chance of catching onto those feelings, the lucky b*stard.

16- What are all of your real names?
Prince Gal: Oh, like how Knowledge's is Meg? (Jilly: Yes, exactly.) Well, okay, my real and proper name is (*BEEP* Depression: I am just going to turn this phone off until we are done here.) but my nickname is and remains to be, Prince Gal!!

Nostalgia: My name is actually (*HONK*|Jilly: AHH!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! *walks outside* *crash*|Neighbor: HEY! THAT'S MY CAR!!! CRAZY B*TCH!!!|Jilly: I AM SO SORRY! MY MUM WAS ABOUT TO TELL ME HER NAME AND YOU F*CHED IT UP! I'LL PAY YOU BACK LATER!|Neighbor: IT'S FINE! JUST DON'T DO IT AGAIN!!|Jilly: OKAY!*walks back in*|Meghan: Well that was, for lack of a better term, eventful.) Aww!!! You called me “Mum”! (Jilly: I am still not your child.) Okay.

Depression: And I, won't say anything. I don't need to tell you my name. (Jilly: Well, that was very disappointing. I'll find out soon.)

17- Which emoji best represents you?
Depression: 😎

Meghan: 🕵

Prince Gal: 🦄

Nostalgia: 😻

18- What is your favorite Disney movie and could you please sing something from it?
Nostalgia: Lilo and Stitch movies/tv series! Welcome cousins, e komo mai. Aloha e komo mai.

Depression: The Nightmare Before Christmas. This time, this time, making Christmas, making Christmas.

Meghan: My favorite is the 2015 movie Tomorrowland and it contained the main song from the Carousel of Progress called There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow. I don't sing so I'll Shatner the lyrics. “Man has a dream and that's the start.” That's enough of that.

Prince Gal: I can't choose between any of my darling babies, so I am saying that I love them all equally and I'll start singing all 368 songs from the animated movies starting with “Someday My Prince Will Come”. *takes out phone with the Tik Tok app on and starts recording her singing* Some- (Nostalgia: WHERE! | Nostalgia, Jilly & Depression: OVER THE RAINBOW! | Nostalgia, Jilly, Depression & Meghan: WAY UP HIGH!!!!) You know what. I am through here. I am through with all of you. *sinks down* (Meghan: Hmp. Some people can not handle a good tune.)

19- Meghan - What was the biggest mistake you've made?
Meghan: (Nostalgia: Oh! She misused the word ecstasy half a week ago.) Shut it. (Nostalgia: She thought it was a synonym for great, but it is actually a psychoactive drug primarily used as a recreational drug.) That was one day! How do you know what it ment? (Nostalgia: I know weird words.) Well Nostalgia corrected me today. Loud is quiet, left is right, and I will find out what I am supposed to do for the remainder of our life. *sinks down* (Jilly: Well, we are starting to lose our interviewees.|Depression: Actually, I am kind of likening this. Bring it.)

20- Depression - If you HAD to kiss one of the other sides, who would you chose?
Depression: I regret saying that. *sinks down*

21- Nostalgia - Do you know how cute you are?
Nostalgia: *Sinking down* Don't patronize me because I'm short. (Jilly:---) J.K.! AWW! THAT'S SO CUTE THANKS!!

Thomas Sanders Sides x Jilly Napier Sides (+ Reader) Imagines/Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें