( xxvii.) never have never will

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( xxvii.) never have never will

dear sadie,

do you really understand, because i don't think it's processed in your head what has happened to me. i have been through hell & back once and i'm just relapsing for the second time.

i lost my mother, went into a depression, nearly died, went back into a depression, finally arose out of it, left to live with my homophobic & racist grandparents, left to be alone without my actual family, left to be forgotten, left to be without my anti-depressants, loosing my own sister, & going back into a depressive episode.

while what's happened to you? anxiety? ohmygod god forbid.

you do not understand a single thing that's happened to me. do not claim you do, because you don't. you never have and never will.

i lost one of the most important people in my life & then left to loose another one. might as well be the next one.

that's all from me.
this is my fourteenth letter to you.

venus lee.

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