Chapter 1: The Boss

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Chapter 1: The Boss
*Marci Bell*

It was 5:40 AM when I woke up. I yawned sitting up onto my sheets,stretching. I got out the bed pulling back the covers before turning around and going into the bathroom. I looked at my face internally screaming as I stare at my bed head through the mirror. "Jesus I'm going to crack a mirror one day." I breathed out.

I glanced at the clock cursing as I seen it was half past 6 o' clock. I hurriedly stripped my clothing stepping into the warm shower. A few minutes later, I turned off the water stepping out. Grabbing a big towel drying myself off.
I wrapped up my long brown hair, walking to my closet picking out something stylish but casual. I slipped on my beige pumps with my gold gucci bracelet, and taking out my Gucci handbag. I looked at myself in the full body mirror nodding my head, before going downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to see my best friend Asher rummaging through my cabinets. I cleared my throat causing his neck to turn in my direction froze.
Narrowing my eyes at him, questioning his motives. He gave me a crooked smile while rubbing the back of his neck clearly embarrassed."I got hungry and since I didn't want to go through my fridge I came over here for some cereal." He explained with his signature gummy smile. I rolled my eyes at his ignorance walking past him opening up a cabinet pulling out a red, plastic bowl handing it over to him.
A thank you was heard as he jumped up excited while pouring a bowl of captain crunch. "This kid?" I rolled my eyes before saying a quick goodbye to him earning a low yeah yeah in return as I hurriedly left the apartment. I made my way towards the black Range Rover unlocking it and then climbing in. I got comfy, clicking my seat belt into place then adjusted the rear view mirrors. Once satisfied, I pushed the key into the ignition hearing the engine roar. I put it in reverse backing up getting on the road heading to work. It takes a good 25 minutes for me to drive straight to work and since I always stop by Starbucks and get my boss's daily cup of coffee I normally end up at work by 7:15.
Parking my vehicle in the lot I made my way into the tall, glass building nodding to my coworkers as they passed by. While waiting for the elevator to come I decided to check the schedule for the week. The silver doors slide open allowing me to slip through along with my coworker Ashley who I've come to consider a friend these past few months. We spoke about our weekends and talking informally towards one another before stepping out and going different ways. I knocked onto Mr. Johnson's door waiting awhile until a deep, and low come in was heard.
I walked in keeping my head low while walking up to his desk and placing the cup in front of him. I didn't dare look up as I turned to leave. "Ms. Bell?" I stopped in my tracks hearing my name come out of his mouth.
I turned around keeping my head down still not wanting to look up. Mr.Johnson was always a professional and scary young man,he'd never hesitate to fire someone even if it's as simple as mixing important papers.
"Come here, please." I unintentional lifted my head gulping once I seen his eyes already staring right at me. He had this dark look in his eye as he watched my ever move. He gestured for me to come closer to him after I took four small steps forward. Taking three more steps I stood a safe couple of feet away from him. I didn't dare look away but something in me never wanted to. I was captivated by his beauty, his eyes, those full ,pink lips. It took everything in me to not go and bite it. No man I'd ever encountered has made me feel what he had. /
I obeyed as I nervously walked up to his desk stopping an inch or two in front of it. I could sense his eyes shooting lasers through me as if he was looking at my entire soul. I began fumbling with my fingers as I seen him stand up fixing his expensive suit slowly making his way up to me. I backed up wanting my space but stopping once he opened his mouth.
"Ms.Bell is there a reason you never look me into the eyes whenever your within my presence." I gasped feeling his hand graze my cheek causing my breath to hitch. He put his head under my chin pulling my head up are eyes now leveled. I gulped seeing his bluish green eyes staring at me. For a moment I thought I seen him look down at my lips but I quickly shook that thought from my head. I shouldn't be thinking of something like that especially in my own bosses presence.
"Your very beautiful ya know." He leaned down closer as he grazed my bottom lip causing me to flinch away. "I'm sorry Mr. Johnson, but I should start on those files you handed me." I started feeling my face heat up.

Abstract: Book One (On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant