27: tessa

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"You know you didn't have to come right?" I tell Grayson, looking at him through the mirror while he just smiles happily at me.

"I wanted to come. I went a whole week without seeing you. Forgive me for not wanting to let you out of my sight. Plus you've seen me work so why don't I get to see you work?"

I frown turning in the chair to look at him, "Because I don't consider this work. I consider this hell."

Little did I know that today would be my own personal hell.

Grayson comes up behind me draping his arms over me, and I rest my hands on the soft fabric of his sweater, "It's just two hours Bella, and then I'll take you for a nice lunch. We can go to whatever art exhibit your heart desires."

"I love you," I say as he pulls back to sit in the chair next to me.

He pulls out his phone and starts reading them off as I adjust the leather jacket to make sure it doesn't slip from it's position.

"Just set the lights to one setting brighter over there, where is the model?"

All the air has been sucked from my lungs.


I know that voice. I'd recognize that voice from anywhere. It feels like I can't breathe. I tug on Grayson's sleeve and the smile fades from his face as he looks at me, and stops reading off the list of exhibits. I can't be here. "Gray, I-I have to go." My hands and voice are trembling as all of the pain from that night comes back in a split second.

"I don't understand?" Grayson says, his eyes running over my face trying to understand. He can't because I haven't been able to tell him. I should have told him.

A hand land on one of my shoulders, and I jump half out of the chair I'd been told to wait for the photographer in since I was done getting ready. "Are you ready?" Aaron asks, and I only tense more. The contact of him touching me is making me squirm even though he's not the one that's done anything wrong.

"No, I can't be here," I mumble, and the smile on his face fades.

"Tessa we've been over this, you have four months left in your contract. You don't have a choice." I can't make the words come out.

Grayson stands up and I stay where I am because I can't move. "She doesn't look so good, isn't there someone else that can stand in for her?"

Please Aaron listen to Gray, he doesn't understand, but he's trying to help.

"I wish there was, but it'd be a waste of resources and of everyone's time. She'd been in violation of her contract again." Aaron explains, and my hands are clenched so tight I'm almost positive that I've broken the skin on my palms.

I get up, the leather jacket and jeans I'm wearing feel like there's nothing covering me. There practically isn't anything covering me since the jacket is the only thing I have on for a top.

"Please. Please don't make me go in there." I plead, and Grayson's trying to figure everything out, but it doesn't add up because I haven't told him. Fuck, I should have told him.

"I really should get her home-" Gray tries to intervene again, but he's brushed aside.

"It'll be fine, she's done this hundreds of times," Aaron reassures, but then I feel another hand rest on my shoulder. No no no.

"What's your name sweetheart?" I want to yank myself away, but I can't move and I can't answer him. I'm just mute. His hand twirls a piece of my hair, "You remind me of this girl that was at a shoot when I first started a few years ago. She had the prettiest hair that stopped right above her waist." His hand slips to show me where it used to stop conveniently, in an area that the jacket doesn't cover. It happens so quick I'm not sure if Grayson and Aaron saw it. "Come come let's get started."

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