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Mycroft and Joanne were strolling through the park, catching up on lost time, talking about what they had been up to. After about 40 minutes they returned to 221B Baker street to talk further over tea. 'I believe I owe you an apology.' Spoke Mycroft while he was leaning against the kitchen isle, Joanne turned around, looking at him expectantly, 'Yes I believe so.' She replied, she then poured the both of them a steaming cuppa.

'I know that I have reacted badly and that I haven't been the nicest person to you, but I do hope we can be friends again.' He stood closely to her while she was sitting on the kitchen isle next to him, both of their hearts beating hard, 'I forgive you Mycroft, do promise me to never be a stranger again.' 'I promise,' he smiled when he looked into her eyes, Joanna jumped of the isle and motioned Mycroft to follow, they now took place in the living room, sitting on the sofa. Mycroft cleared his throat when they were sitting comfortably, 'I do wish to peak about one more thing' 'What is it Mycroft?' 'The day before you left, something happened, and we didn't really talk about it afterwards...' 'You mean the accidental kiss?' she laid her hand on his, scorching his skin underneath his shirt. 'Y-yes.' He confirmed. He observed her, watching her closely, trying to figure out what she was thinking, what he should be doing. 'Well what do you want to know about it?' Mycroft realised how close they were sitting, their faces not too far away from each other, he could feel the warmth of her breath and her sweet scent, her warmth radiating of onto him. He turned his arm around and was now holding her hand, he could feel her pulse, which was faster than he would've thought. 'What did you think about it?' he finally replied, looking in her green eyes, almost getting lost in them. She giggled, 'Mycroft, the kiss was barely a kiss, it didn't even last a second.' Joanne could see the disappointment in his eyes, although he didn't say anything about it. He swallowed, 'Would you have minded if It did?' he asked, being fully aware of what was happening around him. 'If it did what?' 'If it lasted longer.' His breath hitched, not knowing why he was being so open and asking these questions. What if she thought he was a creep now? It was only an accident and he made a big deal out of it. Oh god, if he could only rewind what he had just said... She looked deeply into his eyes, searching for his intentions, 'I suppose I wouldn't mind.' She whispered in all honesty, she looked down at his lips and subconsciously licked hers, inching closer and closer, 'Would you've minded?' she asked him.

'I would've done anything to had It last longer.' Then he cupped her face and gently kissed her lips, afraid his heart might burst out of his chest, his blood pumping though his veins and all his senses were directed to her. She was surprised by his move, because she would've never seen him acting on his feelings in forever, but she quickly returned the kiss, putting her hand in his hair and gently tugging at his curls. He groaned and let her go by surprise of his own reaction, he cleared his throat and turned a scarlet red, 'What did you think about that kiss?' he whispered, clearly embarrassed. Joanne kissed his cheek, which made his head turn to her, that's when she kissed him again, this time harder, 'does that answer your question?' she purred against his lips, he smiled 'Yes it does.' Then he started kissing her again. He didn't actually know what to do, since he hadn't kissed anyone before, so he led Joanne guide. She gently bit his lip, which made him open his mouth, he could feel her tongue against his, that's when it clicked. He put his hands on her hips and lifted her on top of him, kissing her even more deeply.

'God Joanne! You have a room.' Exclaimed Sherlock suddenly, entering the apartment, Joanne looked him dead in the eye, 'Oh bugger of, Sherl.' Sherlock grinned and went to his room, leaving Mycroft and Joanne alone. 'So uhm...' she started, 'I'd better get going... it's getting quite late.' 'Yes I suppose you are right.' She smiled, knowing that he was right. 'I suggest we go brunch together tomorrow?' 'A proper English Breakfast?' 'A proper English Breakfast' he smiled at her, giving her a goodbye kiss.

The end 

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