Chapter 7: Secrets Even in Friendships!

Start from the beginning

"What?" Ruby asks.

"Oh nothing, I just like seeing you smile more." Roxas says and Ruby's cheeks turn bright red.

"You don't just say that to a girl, Roxas!" Ruby says and she punches his arm playfully. The two laugh together.

"Come on, let's get some ice cream together and we can catch up." Roxas says, "I've got loads of stories to tell you from my adventures while working."

"Alright, sure." Ruby says and the two laugh as they get ice cream and head back up to the tower. They sit there eating it and talking when Axel shows up.

"I knew I'd find you here. Surprised to see, Ruby, but I knew you'd be here, Roxas." Axel says.

"Axel..." Roxas says.

"Sorry, I've been gone. Haven't been feeling up to coming up here." Ruby says.

"Well, in any case, I'm glad you decided to come back. Roxas has been weird without you here." Axel says.

"I have not." Roxas says and Ruby giggles. Axel stretches and yawns.

"I slept like a log." Axel says and he looks at Ruby, "Are the kids here on summer vacation? Nah, it's much too early."

"We're on a small break." Ruby says.

"Summer vacation? What's that?" Roxas asks.

"It's a dream come true, that's what – where they get a whole month off." Axel says.

"A month off? I wouldn't know what to do with that much time." Roxas says, "I can't even figure out how to fill a day."

"You'd be surprised." Axel says.

"They give us plenty of home work and of course you have to play with your friends every day." Ruby says.

"But we're your friends." Roxas says.

"Which is why I'll be doing the homework and relaxing in the evening hanging with you guys." Ruby says.

"It's over before you could blink though, right, Ruby?" Axel asks.

"Yep." Ruby says.

"Hmm... I could deal with seven days, maybe?" Roxas asks.

"Most kids spend the time just goofing off with their friends." Axel says.

"Those kids especially. They talked to me yesterday. I think they want me to be their friend." Ruby says.

"Really?" Roxas asks.

"But I've already got you three." Ruby says.

"Oh." Roxas says.

"And I'm happy with the three I've got. No matter what." Ruby says.

"We're great and all, but you should be friends with them." Axel says.

"Maybe..." Roxas says.

"Ruby! You're back!" Xion says.

"Hey, Xion." Ruby says.

"Where did you go, Xion?" Roxas asks.

"I didn't go anywhere." Xion says, "What about you two? Did you guys go somewhere without me?"

"Axel says he was asleep all day." Roxas says.

"What? What's that about? You wasted a day off?" Xion asks.

"Unlike you two lazybones, I work hard, so I'm tired, okay?" Axel says.

"Unlike me and Roxas, maybe you're just out of shape." Xion says. Ruby laughs with the guys and Xion joins in.

"Tomorrow it's back to work." Axel says after about twenty minutes of the group talking about nonsense.

"Yeah..." Roxas says.

"Hope we get another vacation soon." Xion says.

"Oh yeah... I might not see you guys again for while." Axel says.

"Huh?" Roxas asks.

"They're sending me out on recon for a few days."Axel explains.

"Where?" Xion asks.

"Can't tell." Axel says.

"What's up with that?" Roxas asks.

"It's a secret mission." Axel says.

"Translation: Axel's going to play hooky again." Ruby teases and the group laughs.

"No!" Axel says and the group laughs some more.

"But I thought we were friends?" Xion asks.

"Hey, I'm not about to tell you ALL my dark secrets." Axel says, "Got it memorized?"

"You've got secrets?" Ruby asks.

"Dark secrets?" Roxas asks at the same time as he looks at Ruby and Xion confused.

"I'm kidding." Axel says, "I just gotta keep my mouth shut about it, or else Saïx will get on my case. You know how he can get."

"I don't. Who is the mysterious Saïx?" Ruby asks.

"He's the one who gives us missions." Roxas says.

"He's also someone you never want to be seen around us when we're with him." Axel says, "There's no telling what he'd do."

"I'll be careful then." Ruby says.

"And look out for him as well. He's got a giant scar on his face." Axel says.

"Got it." Ruby says.

"Try not to bungle everything while I'm gone, huh?" Axel asks.

"Now, why would we do that?" Xion asks.

"Well, considering your track record, I just can't count on you guys." Axel says.

"Hey!" Xion says. Axel begins laughing and Ruby does too.

"We can handle things just fine!" Xion says.

"That's right, just you watch!" Roxas says. The group laughs together.     

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