Cold Hearted Captain

Start from the beginning

"Hey Peter I am fine, nothing to worry about," said Tony in a hushed tone.

"I-I a-almost lost y-you d-daddy!" said Peter as he sobbed. Tony felt a stray tear leave his own eyes. He never believed that Peter thought of him as so important in his life. It was an awful feeling to see his son's heart break in such a way. Tony clutched onto him tighter.

"I am not going to leave you ever, I am swearing this to you Peter and to you too Pepper," said Tony with a croak in his voice that only showed how sincere his words were. That moment would be a moment that would define their family for many years to come. Pepper rushed into her future husbands awaiting arms and clutched on as tight as she could for fear of ever losing him. But as all good moments exist on the sunrise that means that there has to come a sunset. This sunset was brought by the eclipse that was Captain Steve Rogers.

Steve stormed into the ward looking pissed off, "So you have to have your wife fight your battles for you Stark?" he sneered. Tony, Pepper and Peter were at a loss for words at the intrusion on their family moment.

"You even had to go as far as to fake a heart attack, I mean wow, how pathetic are you?" asked Steve with a sneer worthy of Draco Malfoy. Peter blinked for a moment and then his rage washed over him. Before he could say anything to him Tony answered, "You and your friends better get out of my building before I heal or I am going to personally kick you out."

Peter didn't like how weak his father's voice was, then he remembered what Doctor Banner said about stress, "Okay Captain Dickhead get out now!" said Peter with a snarl. Steve stepped closer, "I am not going anywhere I am an Avenger, you can't order me around kid."

Peter stood up and made to approach the Captain only to feel something latch onto his wrist he looked down to realize that is was Pepper's hand. He looked into his mother's eyes and she shook her head. Peter sighed knowing that she was right and that fighting Steve would be pointless as it would only drive up his father's stress levels. He made to turn around and Steve laughed, "That's what I thought kid!" Peter balled up his fists and turned to face Steve.

"Got some balls kid, more than your dad anyways," said Captain America with a smirk, "I hope you know that the only reason that he is keeping you around is because you were a mistake that he made one night and he feels guilty. He doesn't love you!"

Peter felt warm tears running down his cheeks as he listened to Steve's words. They had stuck a chord and that was what hurt the most because it sent feelings of doubt through Peter. As he delved deeper into his darker thoughts a voice reached him as a beacon.

"Peter I love you more than you'll ever know," said the voice. Peter turned to see Tony smiling at him in a way that Peter has only ever seen from Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Tony was right and Steve was wrong. Simple as that. Peter turned and faced the Captain with a feeling of pride for his father.

"You're wrong Rogers, my dad actually cares about me," said Peter with a smile as he glanced at his father and mother. He turned his attention back to Steve.

"You know nothing about my dad," scowled Peter with an angry look in Steve's direction. Steve laughed, "My God kid you really are dense aren't you!?" Peter had enough and stood into a stance for a fight. Tony and Pepper were about to intervene when Steve stopped laughing and looked confused.

"No offence kid but I don't think you could harm me," said the egotistical Captain America. He made to approach Peter but Peter punched him square in the chest sending him flying backwards and through the wall. Peter leapt through the hole in the wall and threw a punch at the captain as he was standing back up and knocked him to the ground again.

"You heard what my dad said, get your crap, get your team and get the fuck out," said Peter with as much authority and venom that he could portray in his voice. Steve looked at Peter with a new found fear and nodded in response.

"Good now get lost," said Peter with anger in his voice. Steve didn't even think twice about disobeying the order that the young man had issued. He scrambled to his feet and ran from the Medical Bay within seconds. Peter nodded in response and turned to see Tony and Pepper staring at him through the hole in the wall. Peter rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Sorry about the wall dad, didn't mean to hit him that hard," said Peter with a grimace. He stepped though the hole and waited for the shouting that would ensue but it never came. He glanced at his father who was smiling.

"Peter that was the most awesome thing I have ever seen, it was definitely worth a broken wall," said Tony with a big smile plastered on his face, Pepper nodded in agreement with his words and Peter just stood there in silence. But he couldn't help but smile. Captain Jack-ass would definitely leave his father alone now, plus this would make a bad ass story for him to tell Ned later.

Hey guys, I know I haven't been updating a lot recently and I do apologize. I have had a lot of stuff going on between work and my personal life and I in all honesty forgot to upload a new chapter. I know you are awesome readers and that you deserve more. I promise to try and write more chapters for you guys. And to tommmholanddd I would like to thank you for your constant support. Please guys check out her work it is amazing and I truly mean that. Her work has inspired so much of my own and I hope it inspires you too.

Forever grateful,

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