Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

Chester's shoulders sagged. Of course he was happy that he could still stay a bit with his best friend, but he couldn't help but be filled with sadness still.

"C'mon, let's go to your bedroom so we can talk." Ryan said, his arm still around the younger boy's shoulders as he led them back inside.

The blonde man insisted for Chester to dress more warmly once they were inside. "I don't want you getting sick."

The younger man was prone to always catch colds and flus, and Ryan knew this. Of course he was still taking care of his friend even if they were about to go separate ways.

"I have a something else for you." said Ryan. "I have some hair dye left... You want me to do your hair?"

"Yes!" Chester answered quickly and for one second he felt true joy course through him, but it vanished as his insecurities took over once again. "But... me as a blonde... I don't know, Ry..." he chuckled embarrassed as he scratched his nape. "Wouldn't I look too... pale? I mean, I'm already pale as shit and my brown hair is like a contrast to it... not that I look good with it anyway but it would be such a change and-"

"Ches," Ryan chuckled and gripped Chester's shoulders, his friend was still the same, babbling a lot when he was nervous, "You do look gorgeous with your brown hair," Chester blushed deeply at the compliment and looked down to avoid the other's piercing gaze, "but I think you'd look great in blonde too. It would highlight your beautiful eyes. You know I love your eyes." Ryan commented and ruffled the younger boy's hair.

"O-okay." Chester decided to trust his friend and watched as he left the room to get the dye. He sat down on the only chair he had in his room and let Ryan apply the bleach in his hair, feeling his friend's fingers massaging through his scalp felt relaxing and for that time being, he forgot that he would be alone in just a few hours.

He allowed himself to feel every little touch, every little tingle that ran down his spine... he just felt everything in that moment and when his hair was done, they had to sneak out to the shower room to wash it.

"Ryan, you're insane, if you get caught... you won't be able to leave." Chester choked out, feeling his throat hurt and for one moment he hoped that they would get caught. Even if that meant another torturous session behind the grey door. He just wanted to be with Ryan.

"We won't get caught." Ryan said firmly, knowing what his friend would suffer if they did. He held Chester's hand tighter and pulled him quickly to the shower room, managing to not be seen by anyone except one or two patients here and there.

They got to the room and they were alone, thankfully. Both of them out of breath and laughing. Those were the final moments of their crazy adventures through the clinic, but it didn't seem like it. It seemed like they had all the time in the world when Chester took his shirt off and tossed it to Ryan. When he turned the shower on and in only his boxers, let the water wash away the excess of bleach.

The older boy watched him carefully, taking in every perfect detail of Chester and wanting so bad to just kiss him, but knowing it would only hurt the both of them more. It crushed his heart that it took so long for him to realize he liked Chester and even longer to confess it to him and make a move.

Fuck it, it's my last day. Ryan thought as he undressed to only his boxers as well and got in with Chester in the shower as the newly blonde boy blushed and tossed some water at the other's face.

They started a water war, wetting the whole floor and making a huge mess until Ryan caught Chester from behind and hugged him tightly, the idea of not seeing him every day finally sinking in.

The now-blonde man stilled at feeling the older man's arms circled around him as his heart started racing faster. He didn't know if he was happy that Ryan was hugging him like this or sad that it was most likely one of their last moment together. Chester desperately wanted to turn around and kiss Ryan, even if he knew he would be rejected, but at the same time, he didn't want to break this moment they were sharing. His heart finally sank when the other man let him go before Ryan squeezed Chester's hand in his.

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