Sorelle/Andi Mack

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Andi Mack

Name: Sorelle Clary Kippen.

Age: 14.

Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Personality: Sorelle is optimistic, but has many dislikes. She doesn't like to work alone, unlike her brother. She is comforting towards others. Her words come out before she thinks about what she says.

Looks: dirty blonde/light brownish hair with a 2a pattern. She's fair-skinned with a small splash of freckles across her nose. She stands at 5'5" and has a thin stature. She typically wears jeans with a t-shirt and Vans.

Siblings: TJ Kippen (and Amber if you count her as a Kippen).

Crush: Marty.

Likes: Reading, binge watching her favorite shows, baking, and sketching.

Dislikes: Teamwork, the color red, makeup, and making decisions.

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