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Avery Clarke Everson.
Gender: Female.

Sexuality: bisexual.

Age: 17.

Faceclaim: Vanessa Kirby.

Voiceclaim: Emma Watson.

Personality: Avery's schizophrenia had taken a toll on her personality. She's cautious and easily paranoid. If she hears something loud, her reaction is to cower. She's a friendly girl though and will greet you sometimes. She attaches to some people.

Strengths: She's quite good at archery, although she won't be given an arrow because you can guess what will happen.

Weaknesses: Her schizophrenia and the fact that she cowers. It messes with her questioning because of the drop from friendly to "get tf away."

Why they're here: As more and more happened she started to skip school from the fact that even people made her have episodes.

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