I'm back bitches! (You're not bitches. I love you all

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I have awoken from my writing coma and there will be a new chapter releasing in a couple days! If you're wondering what happened, I was working 6am-7pm every day at a job I hated, I had to put my first dog down because of old age and lymphoma, I got a new puppy, she has been driving me crazy for the last two years, I got a second job and had to work 6am-1am every day (literally every. Fucking. Day.) I quit the 6am job. The night job shut down on me a couple of months ago and now here I am! I am jobless and bored so that means updates! Yay! So tell your mom, tell your friends, tell everyone you know (mainly because I'm pretty sure everyone has given up on satisfaction and I'll never get all of my followers back) InoOrihime's back and she's gonna finish this story and not write herself into a corner for 3 years again! Yaaayyyyyy

(No but seriously, thank you all for sticking around and waiting for my return. You will be rewarded with smut. Kinky kinky smut.)
((Also here's my baby when she was a baby and not the asshole she has grown up to be))

*i published the chapter but for some reason it is before this so chapter 32 is the come back chapter

*i published the chapter but for some reason it is before this so chapter 32 is the come back chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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