Chapter 31: Calm

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Kevin shifted into the warmth surrounding his body. He gave a contented sigh and flexed his hand. The feel of warmed metal tickled his fingers as they traced the outline of a tag. A soft moan and gentle sigh brought him closer to his lover's chest. He could feel the protective muscles shift under the taught skin as long arms pulled him into a hug. Another unseen tag grazed his knuckle. His eyes slowly opened and fell onto a gently moving chest. He felt the soft breath that accompanied the movements lightly tickle his hair. Another moan sounded above his head and unseen lips grazed his skin. An unintelligible mumble led to an even tighter embrace.
A few minutes passed before the arms relaxed their hold on his body. He shifted back just enough to look down at his closed fist. He gazed down at the tag that had brushed his fingers. The ornate "M" glinted in the morning light. He opened his hand and stared at the rough "F" carved onto the tag's metal.
"F and M... I wonder what it means..."
His mind wandered to the "E" that was given to him a few nights before. He remembered how Double D kept his eyes glued to the clock as Kevin searched the drawer.
His free hand absently moved to touch his own medallion but froze when it landed on bare skin. Panic began to set in as he felt for his own chain.
Double D groaned and kissed the the top of his hair as the sound of panicked breathing stirred him from his sleep.
"It's alright Kevin. I'm here."
He froze and tried to calm his breathing.
"I'm here Pumpkin. Go back to sleep."
Double D's strong arms held him tight again and caused his hand to shift slightly. The movement caused the tag in his hand to move, revealing another one hiding underneath it.
A few moments passed before the soft snores sounded above his head. He lifted his hand up and opened it again. The "E" lay snugly under the "F." A sudden sense of comfort surrounded his body as he gazed down at the letters. Something about the jagged "F" laying atop his own tag gave him an immense sense of security.
He looked up at the sleeping boy and placed a soft kiss on his lips before slipping out of bed.

R!Kevedd: SatisfactionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum