Chapter 15: Visions Part 2

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Double D sat up on the couch and looked around the room. The only sound in the entire house was his heavy breathing.
"Was that all a dream?"
He glanced out of the window at the house across the street. The family car was gone and a "For Sale" sign flapped in the cold morning wind. Missing blinds allowed him to see directly into the bare living room.

He stumbled into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. The dark circles under his eyes starkly contrasted against his pale skin. He sighed as he pulled off his beanie and stepped into the shower hoping that the warm water would help to clear his foggy mind.
"He's gone. Get over it."
He shut off the water and wrapped a towel around his waist before walking upstairs to find some clothes.

His slowed to a stop as his mind began to wander to the events of the night before.
The sound of his front door closing echoed throughout the empty house and brought him back to reality. He quickly threw on a pair of pants and hurried down the steps. He glimpsed a small shadow rounding the corner before it disappeared into his kitchen. His heart began to pound as he followed behind it. He froze at the sight of the person in front of him.


The old woman looked up from her spot at the kitchen table. She smiled softly and motioned to the hot plate of food in front of her.
"This isn't real."
He slowly reached out to touch the woman sitting in front of him. His hand easily traveled through her body.
"She's not real, Eddward."
She pointed towards the food again and chuckled.
"Sit and eat ma fraise."
He watched as steam drifted off of the food on the table. His fingers weakly traced the edges of the plate. Everything on it was real.
"Not again..."

He could feel his breathing become erratic. His head began to throb as he watched the woman fade in and out of existence. He grabbed the plate and slowly made his way back upstairs.
"I can't. I can't handle these episodes again..."
He shakily swallowed a few of his pills and began eating.
"When did I make this?"

Double D looked up at the vacant house as he slowly approached his home. He had spent the entire day clearing his mind and training at the pool. He'd forgotten about the hallucination from earlier until he had stepped inside his home. Kevin's scent filled his nose. The green sweater lay haphazardly across the arm of the couch. He frowned as he headed straight to his room and threw himself onto the bed.

He tossed and turned in his sleep. The touch of a hand on his face woke him from his dreams. He looked up and saw a hatless Kevin crouching next to the bed. The ginger gave him a wide smile and placed his hand on his. Double D groaned and reached  through the boy for the medicine on his nightstand.
"Why did you have to leave Loser? This is all your fault."

A few minutes passed before he fell into another restless sleep. A small noise stirred him awake. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the time.
He turned his head and saw the sweater-less boy kneeling next to him.
"Go away..."
"You don't mean that Eddward."
He groaned as he turned over and pulled the blanket over his head. The faint smell of the red headed boy penetrated his dreams throughout the night.

The morning sun woke the swimmer from his restless slumber. He lay in bed for a few minutes before dragging himself down the stairs and into the kitchen. He was greeted yet another Kevin. This one sat facing away from him. He silently watched as the boy scribbled on a sheet of paper. They're eyes locked as Kevin looked up and smiled softly at him.
"Good morning!"

Double D ignored him and walked to the refrigerator. He pulled out a few eggs and began to boil them.
"Are you feeling better today, Eddward?"
He glanced at the boy and frowned.
"Go away."
"I can't. I'm here to stay."
Kevin stood up and slowly approached him.
"Fuck off."
He turned away and focused his attention on his food.

A warm hand placed itself on his arm.
"Why are you so angry? Didn't you want me to stay?"
"It's not real." He whispered under his breath.
"I'm not moving away Eddward."
Double D's breathing became shaky as he listened to the voice. He turned the fire off and pushed past the boy.
"Why are you ignoring me?"
"It's not real."
He quietly walked into the living room.
"You begged me to stay and now you won't even acknowledge my existence!"
He whipped around and glared at the boy. 
"That's because you don't exist. You're just another hallucination."

Double D sat on the couch and buried his head in his hands.
"Eddward, please listen to me."
He slowly lifted his head and chuckled at the freckle-faced boy.
"You really drove me crazy, Pumpkin."

"I'm not a hallucination Eddward."
Kevin reached out and grabbed Double D's hand.
"I'm real. I never left."

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