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**Ashton's POV**

I sighed laying down in my bed and grabbing my phone, it's like 4 am here and I'm extremely bored because my best friend, Michael just fell asleep.

I opened my twitter app and looked at my favorite person in the world, Luke Hemmings' twitter. I sighed knowing he'll never know of my existence.

I love that I live in the same city as his. One, because he's so close to me I might find him one day. Two, because we're in the same time zone.

I smiled seeing he tweeted just 3 minutes ago saying "Yikes, 4am and I can't sleep :-( wish I had cuddles /).(\"

I grinned and typed a reply knowing he'll never see it so I'm not embarrassed.

"I live in Sydney :-) come find and cuddle meeee!! :)))" I laughed and hit the send button. I put my phone down and turned in my bed to try to get some sleep.

About 5 minutes later I heard my phone go off. I groaned because I was almost asleep and grabbed my phone looking at it. It says I have one new follower on twitter. It's probably just some girl who found me through Luke's account.

I put my phone down and went to sleep.


I woke up and looked at the time on my phone. Only 8am everyone still asleep and I only got less than 4 hours asleep. I groaned knowing there's no going to sleep now. I decided to look at who followed me.

When I saw the username I screamed at the top of my lungs. Michael bolted up and looked at me as my parents came running into my room.

"Holy fucking shit what the fuck was that Ashton Irwin?" My mom said catching her breath.

"Luke motherfucking Hemmings followed me on fucking twitter oh my fucking god!" I screamed at the top of my lungs jumping around like no tomorrow.

I heard Michael laugh as he got up and put his arms around me from behind to calm me down. "Calm down Ash, he's just a person." He said nuzzling his head on my neck. I shook my head. "No he's not just a person he's my hero" I said looking down.

"Baby I'm so happy for you, now you two can meet and fuck like no tomorrow! I got you a little present for when this day happened!" My mom said running into her and my fathers room then coming back a couple minutes later. She handed me a book. I read the title out loud. "Gay Sex. Everything You Need To Know."

"Mooommmm!" I groaned putting the book on my dresser and grabbed my phone again checking for the 50th time to see if it is the actual verified Luke Hemmings.

She laughed as her and my dad went back to their room. I sat on my bed and Michael sat beside me, putting his head on my shoulder. "Ash you're gonna think you're too popular to hang out with me now." He sighed and I giggled.

"I'll never be too popular for you Mikey!" I said giggling again. "Let's go enjoy our weekend!"


Monday came around and I groaned as I got out of bed and walked over to my closet. I grabbed a random black long sleeved shirt and red skinny jeans. I looked in the mirror straightening my hair (fetus ash) and putting all my bracelets on.

I walked downstairs seeing my brother and sister Harry and Lauren. I laughed watching them fight over the cereal box. I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a spoon and some Vegemite.

I stood in the middle of the kitchen eating Vegemite out of the jar and checking my phone. I noticed my bus will be around soon and walked outside.

My friend and neighbor Calum walked over to the bus stop and smiled at me. It's too early to talk.

The bus pulled up and I got on going to the way back and sitting in the last seat. Calum sat down beside me putting his trumpet in between his legs as we both pulled out our earbuds and listening to music.

I looked at Luke's twitter when I got the notification that he tweeted.

"Gettin real lonely guys :-( missin' touring." I laughed as I put my phone away and put my head against the window for the rest of the ride.


About half way through the day I was sitting in math zoning out while my teacher talked about whatever. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and I sneakily pulled it out and looked at it.

It said I had a DM on twitter. I furrowed my eyebrows as I went on the app. My eyes widened when I saw Luke DM'd me. I read it smiling too wide.

"Mr. Irwin would you like to tell us what you're smiling about?" My teacher, Mrs. Welsh asked. I looked up and shook my head, blushing and putting my phone away.


After school, I texted the number Luke gave me, hoping it actually is his not a random person. I heard the voice I fell in love with speak.


"U-uh hi hey uh h-hey it's Ashton..."

"Oh Ashton!" I heard his voice get happier.

"Yeah..." I said trying not to scream my lungs out.

"I was wondering if you wanna come over and cuddle with my tonight?" I put my microphone on mute and screamed at the top of my lungs. I quickly unmuted it and just said "yeah sure"

"Dude I think I just heard some little girl scream, I hope she's okay.." He said as I blushed super red knowing that it was me who screamed.

"Yeah that sucks, hey I gotta go, I have homework" I said and we said our goodbyes. I sat down at the table calling Michael while getting my homework out of my bag.

"What?" He snapped and I just laughed.

"Mikey I'm going to Luke's house later!" I screamed and heard him laugh.

"Kay baby, stay safe!" He said and hung up. I smiled thinking of how perfect tonight will be.


I walked over to the house Luke gave me the address too. I took a deep breath knowing I was visibly shaking. I knocked on the door and heard someone walking to open it. As the door unlocked I started shaking more.

"Holy fuck you're cute as fuck!" I heard the beautiful Luke say as I blushed.

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