Chapter 7: Mizpah

Start from the beginning

As she comes down closer to Sage, I find myself feeling as if I need to go forward. As if there is a rope tied to my chest and the death angel is tugging on the other side. I take a step forward and Booker puts an arm on my shoulder. To my surprise the angel turns her head towards me and cocks it to the side. 

"No Jason." Booker warns.

Everyone beside me looks to me with wide eyes. I look back at the angel and take another step forward. She comes closer too.

"What the hell are you doing?" my father asks angrily.

Booker grabs my arm again, but I shove him off of me and rush forward. 

"Jason!" Rhys yells desperately, but suddenly a force field shoots out from the angel and encases me.

It's only me, the angel and Sage now.

 For some reason I feel no fear as I continue walking forward. It is quiet in the field. I can't seem to hear anything outside of it and in a weird way I find it comforting.

I walk over to Sage and kneel beside her. She lays in the grass. Her auburn colored hair sprawled out around her, covered in leaves. Her eyes are closed, her head tilted at an awkward angle and her lips are slightly parted. Tears cloud my vision and I reach up to wipe them away, but to my surprise the death angel takes my hand. 

A curious sense of power flows through my being at her touch.

I look at the angel's blank, glowing face with wide eyes. She says nothing and simply presses my hand to Sage's chest. At first nothing happens and I can't help but feel confused, but then a miracle happens. Sage's heart begins to beat against my hand.

At first, I feel a rush of excitement as Sage opens her eye and looks up at me. Then as her heartbeat begins to get stronger, I feel my own start to slow down. The angel takes my hand from Sage's chest and I feel my body begin to grow heavy. My head spins as the angel lays me down and my eyes fall shut heavily.

Then there is nothing.

Third Person POV

Everyone watches in stunned silence as Jason is sucked into the death angel's force field. The boy's family rushes to the field and hits it angrily, but no one can get through. They watch as Jason approaches the angel and she stares at him cautiously as he kneels beside the small, empty body on the ground. His head hangs low and he begins to reach up to wipe a tear from his eye. However, as Jason raises his arm the angel places his hand on the girl's tiny chest. 

Quiet rushes through everyone again as they watch in shock at the odd gesture. Lali, however, rushes forward to the field screaming for Jason to step away, but the boy can't hear. Suddenly, Sage's eyes open and her mother joins Lali at the field, screaming her name. She is excited, beyond excited to see her little girl's bright blue-green eyes open again. Alive again.

Just as the little girl begins to sit up, the angel places Jason on the grass and lays inside of him. His body glows a magenta and his parents begin to scream. His brothers aggressively kick and scratch at the protective barrier, but it's no use.

The angel leaves Jason's body and takes away the barrier. Floating quickly away from the miserable scene she has created.

Everyone rushes forward. Thea grabs her daughter, crying gratefully as the little one questions what happened. Dean also looks over his daughter and gives her a hug before joining his friend's side by his son. Lali checks the boy for a pulse and looks at his mother tearfully, there isn't one. He is gone. He had sacrificed his own life for another.

"What happened mommy?" Sage asks as her mother sets her down to join her grieving friend.

No one answers the little one.

Jason's mother wails and her husband takes her into his arms. Jason's brothers shake him and yell his name. Booker collapses to the ground and his sister runs to him. She holds onto him as he sobs and does her best to comfort him, but there is no consoling a boy who has lost the love of his life. The one he is forever destined to be with dead or alive. The one he never even got to know before he was gone.

Ian comes tearing through the crowd. He falls to his knees at his best friend's side. He grabs Jason's hand and squeezes it. Willing him to squeeze it back, but there is nothing. His best friend who taught him how to play football and stayed up with him all night when he had nightmares of his mother dying, was  gone. There would be no more teasing him about shifting or Mario Kart tournaments in the pack house living room. He thinks about the feeling of Jason's heart beating against his chest when he hugged him by the fire and realizes that he will never feel it again.

This goes on for a few minutes and finally some men from the pack step forward to help carry Jason's body away, but just as they are about to lift him up, another miracle happens.

Jason opens his eyes.

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