everything is not like it seems

Start from the beginning

She slowly started to walk towards him, I looked for something I could do to stop her, I then saw the guy get up off the cart. He pulled out a taser and ran at her. I kicked his right leg making him fall over, but that was not a good idea because he ended up tasing me. The guy and I couldn't move because both of us were getting tased. I started to reach for his gun as my hand muscles were twitching. The taser finally ran out and I grabbed the gun out of his holster and tried to get him off me, but he made my fingers pull the trigger and a bullet went through him and put a hole in the cabin. I looked at the hole and sighed as the presser started to suck stuff threw it making it bigger. I kicked his body towards the hole, and everything fell on the ground as the guy's guts were being pulled out of him out of his back. I aimed to shoot Angel, but I missed her and the guy she was holding in the air and hit the pilot door leaving a hole in the door.

The plane then dropped, and everything became weightless as we went straight for the ground. Angel then took a chunk of the guy's neck she was holding and grabbed the gun from me and aimed it at me. I quickly yelled, "Wait wait wait!" She sighed and shot the chain holding the handcuffs together. After the chain broke, she looked around and then ran to the pilot cabin. I got off the floor and ran after her. As I entered the room, she pushed me out and had a backpack with her. She walked to the side door and opened it, she then grabbed me and said, "Ready to fly?" I quickly shook my head, but she threw me out of the plane as someone tackled her.

I was now free falling without a parachute, and the ground was closing in fast. I tried to spread my body out to maybe slow down but that was no use. I was maybe 30 seconds from splatting on the ground before Angel grabbed me and pulled her parachute lifting both of us about 30 feet up. I then said, "Next time I'm throwing you from the plane first." She laughed and said, "Oh you big baby!"

After we made it to the ground, we heard the plane explode in the distance, she sighed and said, "We have to hurry now." She then unclipped the parachute and walked away. Before she goes far, I stopped her and said "Explain your fucking self! Why did you knock me out? Where is Chloe? Where the hell are we? What the fuck is going on?" She rolled her eyes and said, "I don't have time for this." She then pushed me to the side and kept walking. I then tackled her to the ground and said, "You aren't going anywhere!" she punched me and tossed me across the ground. I slowly got up and said, "You better start talking now!"

She laughed and said, "You're getting on my nerves, now move out of the way!" she tried walking pass me, but I got in her way again and said, "I'm not going to move so you better kill me now." She nods and pulled out the gun from before and aimed at me. I stood my ground, she tightened her lips and gave me a hateful look and then put the gun away and said, "She was bad for you and you were about to make a mistake, we were going to Mexico so I can get paid, the people on that plane were inclined people and you better start walking before I do shoot you!" I then heard cop cars and firetrucks in the distance. She then started running, I ran after her trying to keep up, but I couldn't.

I stopped to catch my breath when cops showed up and started to run after me. I tried to get away, but I didn't make it far before they tackled me to the ground and arrested me. I then was taken to a police station in San Antonio. They asked me maybe 30 questions, but I had nothing to say to them and I doubt they had anything on me. They then showed me pictures of Angel and asked if I know her. I nod and said, "Yeah go fuck yourself." One of the cops tried playing bad cop and slammed his hands on the table and said, "Listen here kid I will throw the fucking book at you and make sure you don't see sunlight until your at least 50 years old!" I looked at him and the other cop and said "Ok ok, she is my cleaning lady and I fucked her so hard. God let me tell you it felt so good. She used both hands and this thing she did with her head. Humm." The cop then kicked the chair I was sitting in and the other cop pulled him out of the room. I sighed and slowly got back up.

I was a bit shook up, but I doubt I would be here that long because I didn't do anything, that I know of. As I was trying to think of why I'm even here I started to be able to hear them through the walls. One of them said, "He is not breaking, we have to get him to break or we can't do anything." Then someone else said, "Let's rough him up and I bet he will talk then." One guy sighed and said, "But if we get caught, we will be the ones in jail." The other guy then said, "Then you watch the door." The door opened and one of them walked in and the other stood on the other side. My heart dropped as I knew what was about to happen as he got closer to me.

I quickly said, "You lay a damn finger on me, I will bring hell." He was stunned for a second until he smiles and said, "You can't your chained up." He then gave me a right hook into my rib cage. It felt like he cracked a few ribs. I was out of breath and as I was catching my breath he punched again. I grunted as I took a deep breath, I then heard the door open up and the guard was thrown inside. I looked to see it was some other cops they tackled the guys that were integrating me. Then a girl uncuffed me and walked me outside of the room. She kept walking me until we made it outside of the police station.

She put me in the back of a car and got in the driver side then started to drive but didn't say anything. I decided to say "Umm, who are you and where are we going?" She laughed and turned into Angel. I was so confused at this point. Turns out one of the powers I gave her was to shapeshift into other people. She pulled over behind a building and got out and walked to my door and opened it. She sighed and lifted my shirt and pressed on my chest and watched me pull away because of the pain. I could see she felt bad and was upset until that turned into anger. Which is weird that a killer cared about me, or at least she would. She looked into my eyes then quickly got up and said: "Ok, my target is down the street from here so you can wait here and I'll be back." I tried to grab her hand, but she closed the door and I couldn't get out because it had some kind of outside lock. I tried to crawl to the front but she somehow added another set of handcuffs to me which locked me to the door handle. I tried to get out as she walked away turning into someone, but I couldn't. I was not getting out without some help. I sat back in the seat and tried to figure out how I keep getting trapped like this.

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