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Lying motionless in her bed, Gwen tried to shut out the world. She was so tired of just...everything. She didn't care that her world had flipped in a matter of days, she didn't care that she had another scar. She just hated that things had to go so wrong. She was almost to her birthday, the destined date of her death. And all she wanted was a little time to relax and let things settle.

Something moved beside her. She looked over to see Ophelia climbing in bed, curling up in the crook of her arm and staring Gwen down. She didn't even carry any emotion, but her gaze said 'I know what happened'.

"Hey Opal." She brushed the girls hair out of her face.

"Why did Ari break up with you?"

"We weren't even together." She sighed.

"You thought you were."

"Yeah." She pulled the girl close. "I thought."

"Why don't you tell him?"

"Tell him what?"

"What else." Ophelia blinked. "That you love him."

"Because I don't think he loves me."

"He doesn't just love you silly. He's in love with you."

"I..." Gwen sighed. "I just don't know anymore."

"You should go tell him."

"...Maybe." Gwen stared up at the ceiling. Then she chuckled a little. A six year old was giving her relationship advice.

"What's the problem with it?"


"Me giving you advice."

"There isn't really. I just find it funny that you can be so smart."

"Go." She blinked again, her slit pupils staring up at her. "Go tell him."

Gwen nodded, feeling courage and fear well up in tandem. She kissed the small girls forehead, tucking her into the bed before walking out the door. The stairway was empty as she walked over to the boys hall, taking a deep breath. It seemed longer, but she got there in just the same amount of time. Gwen raised her hand, about to knock, when she heard voices. They were arguing over something.

"Ari, tell me what the hell happened a couple days ago. Everyone's worried about you, you wont even talk to Gwen. We know somethings up."

"Nothings wrong."

"What happened with Gwen?"

"Nothing." Ari's voice was fraught with pain.

"Fine. If you wont tell me, I'm changing the subject." Iden huffed. "Why don't you do something? About her? We all know you like her, she knows you like her, she's convinced no one will ever love her. You have to prove her wrong."

"Why don't you prove her wrong? You love her too." Ari sighed. "And you're better for her than I'd ever be."

"Ari, she loves you. Why can't you see that?"

"Because she doesn't. And if she did, she doesn't now."

"What do you mean?"

"I told her the truth. That we should have nothing to do with eachother. Its better for the both of us."

"Ari. I think you broke the poor girls heart."

"I never meant to."

Gwen had enough. She was crying and shaking, feeling horrible. She turned and ran, all the way out the door and into the garden. She didn't care how much it hurt. She just kept going, all the way into the garden. She pushed trees out of her way, pulling up plants as she went. She didn't even know where she ended up, but when she collapsed, she was surrounded by pumpkins.

Gwen curled up, trying to fight off her sorrow. She was just so sick of it all. Now, she wanted death more than ever. But she knew she wouldn't find comfort in its cold grip. It was a lot to keep herself from going ballistic, but she knew she had to keep it calm. No need for violence when its already heading their way.

Don't give up...

She sat up, confused. Walking towards her was a boy, wearing clothes from the twenties. His look mirrored Cosette's, hollow sockets and torn throat. She recognized his blond curls, he was the boy who was in the doorway to the west wing.


"Don't give up on things Gwen. They tend to work themselves out in the end." He sat beside her, sighing. "I just pray you can find release before the new years. Stress wears down on the mind, and you need to be sharp and focused."

"Why does all this depend on me?"

"You're the only one who has the strength to fight her. The most reason. Use your love for your friends to your advantage. Give yourself an upper hand." He smiled just a bit. "Don't let the heartbreak hinder you. Wounds can easily be sewn up shut and fixed. You don't know what the future holds."

"Thanks." Gwen smiled back at him. "Who are you?"

"My name is Micheal."

"Thank you Michael." Gwen stood up, taking a deep breath. The sky seemed to shine a bit brighter.

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