What happened here?

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Aurelia led Gwen, Ophelia, and a brave Iden into the boys hall after breakfast. She opened a door in the middle of the hallway, revealing another one, that was old and decrepit, definitely not as well cared for as the rest of the house. There were no doors in this hall, just open doorways.

I could've just as easily taken you to the one on the girls side, but this one leads to the west wing.

"What's the deal with the west wing?" Iden spoke, peering around.

Aurelia looked down at Ophelia, who closed her eyes and listened. "The voices are loudest here."

"Voices?" Gwen looked down the hall. "You can hear them too?"

"I'm so confused here." Iden shook his head. "What the hell are you guys talking about?"

Gwen said she heard someone telling her to run yesterday, and Ophelia can't go in the craft room without getting uncomfortable. Someone's died here, and I want to find out why.

"Its an old house Aurelia, a lot of people have probably died here." Iden sighed.


"The voices were all mashed, I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl. It could've been multiple too. One things for sure, they were all the same age. And they knew my name."

"There's a lot of them." Ophelia began walking down the hall, leading them. Her eyes seemed to grow cloudy the further in she went. "All of them, calling out your name. You're in danger, Gwendolyn."

Then, she stopped. In the doorway at the end of the hall, she turned and looked back at them. Her eyes had cataracts, and she was breathing heavily, like she was in a trance. Then, she was lifted up in mid air, just, hovering. With black hands gripping her body from the shadows. Her voice wasn't her own.

"Run! Now! You have to escape before its too late! Gwen, hurry! Don't let her claim you!"

At that, she collapsed. Gwen had slipped into a bad panic attack, and her hyperventilating and terror caused her to faint. When she did wake up, a worried face hovered above hers.

"Oh thank god you're awake." Iden sighed in relief, grabbing her hand gently. "You passed out and hit your head hard."

"That explains the pounding migraine." He helped her sit up, and she realized she must've been in the boys room. "What happened after I passed out? Is Ophelia okay?"

She's fine. Aurelia looked over at her. Poor thing was more worried about you than anything.

"Glad to hear that, and you can tell her I'm okay." Gwen laughed, standing up. "Just get me outside."

Iden and Aurelia helped her down the steps, leading her out the backdoors and to the playground. She took a seat on the bench, and was immediately flooded by concerned children.

"Gwen!" Ophelia cuddled into her side, holding tight as she could. Lilith curled up on the other side, and then little Delilah took a seat right in her lap, resting her head over Gwen's heart.

"Whoa." She laughed, wrapping her arms the best she could around the girls. "This is adorable."

"You've got a whole crowd." Iden gestured to the kids on the playground, who all stopped with worried stares and watched her. Even though they were just children, she had to stop and take it in. She felt loved. She had friends. A small finger wiped across her cheek, and she realized she was crying. Lilith looked up with sad eyes.

"Why are you sad?"

"I'm not sad." She held the little girl closer. "This is the happiest I've ever been."

Look. Aurelia pointed up, and Gwen's gaze shifted towards the roof. There sat Ari, looking down at them. She smiled even more, and looked down at the kids again, her eyes passing from Iden, to the children on the playground, then to Aurelia, and lastly landing on the little eyes by her sides, all staring up with hope.

This is my new start.

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